Pages From the Past – October 2008

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun, October 1, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago – 1908
Lisbon farmers, John Watson, a Civil War veteran, and his son-in-law, Charles will of Hillside and North Lisbon roads raised Mammoth Bronze turkeys for breeding stock.
50 years ago – 1958
Lannon beat Menomonee Falls, 7-6, in a Land O’ Lakes division playoff, to advance to the grand championship round. Veterans “Buck” Reimer and Stan Dubnicka provided the offensive fireworks.
Lisbon farmers Maude and Alvin Kraetsch marked their 50th year of marriage.
25 years ago – 1983
The Hamilton homecoming dance Oct. 1, drew 102 couples who crowned Craig Beringer and Terri Sheehan their king and queen.
The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance estimated it would charge Lisbon and Sussex $8,200 to study merging the two communities.
10 years ago – 1998
Former Hamilton star athlete Jerry Sydowicz, 35, died in a car accident.
The Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department Make-A-Wish promotion in Sussex Village Park raised $12,000.
Jon Cameron of Sussex earned his Eagle Scout rank.
5 years ago – 2003
A woman falsely claimed she was raped along the the Sussex section of the Bug Line Trail, a Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department investigation discovered.
Waukesha County considered selling Wanaki Golf Park for development.
Editor’s Note: No “Pages from the Past” column was published in the October 8, 2008 edition of the Sussex Sun.

Posted: Sussex Sun, October 14, 2008
100 years ago — 1908
The McKerrow farm on Lisbon Road west of Pewaukee Road (today Highway 164) in Lisbon was known worldwide for its Guernsey cows and sheep. Their poultry sideline, specializing in white Wyandottes and barred Plymouth rocks, produced fertile hatching eggs for sale “in season.”
50 years ago — 1958
Sussex High School Principal Winston Brown became the Waukesha Schools superintendent.
The Sussex 4-H Club elected David Manke its president and Nancy Cooling its vice president.
Lisbon farmer Daniel Meissner married Deborah June Dueringer on Sept. 26 at the Baptist church in Merton.
25 years ago — 1983
Sussex Place held a grand opening under new ownership at its downtown site.
The Quilted Bear Supper Club in Germantown was owned by Sussex’s Willi Marx and Lannon’s John Piontek.
10 years ago — 1998
State Sen. Margaret Farrow was the keynote speaker at a meeting of the Sussex-Lisbon Business and Professional Association.
Friends for nearly 70 years, Madeline Halquist, 88, and Ruth Wileden, 97, had dinner together at Olde Templeton Inn.
The 14th annual local chili cook-off acquired traveling-trophies for contest winners.
5 years ago — 2003
Jim and Marilyn DeBoth were key volunteers at the Sussex Food Pantry.
Penny Kundert was named acting director of the Sussex Food Pantry.
Lannon built a new concession stand at the Joecks Field baseball diamond and made plans to add new bleachers.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun, October 22, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago — 1908
Pewaukee’s McCormick Harvesting farm machinery dealer, J.R. Williams, sold hand-cranked cream separators. He advertised that “A child can run it.”
50 years ago — 1958
Sussex planned to build a sewer plant and install sewer pipes and to make sewer hookups mandatory throughout the village. Roy Evert was acting chairman of the project.
A 2-pound package of sliced bacon cost 99 cents.
25 years ago — 1983
The Lannon Fire Department welcomed its first female members – Shirley Ravnik, Gloria Chvosta, Sue Martin, Janis Scheiber and Kathy Turck – as emergency medical technicians.
Virginia Wiegand was director of the Sussex nutrition site.
Fred Steger of Lisbon bagged a 175-pound buck in his first bow-and-arrow deer hunting season.
10 years ago — 1998
Jim Dawson of Lannon Stone Products presented a check for more than $7,000 to the Lisbon Fire Department from money raised by the company’s golf outing.
Tom McLaughlin estimated that the local soybean crop was producing 40 to 50 bushels per acre.
5 years ago — 2003
Lisbon was studying making the Lisbon fire chief a full-time member of the Lisbon Fire Department at an annual salary of $55,000.
Lisbon wanted the library budget cut $8,000.
Hamilton’s Kellyn Johnson beat the second-place finisher by 20 seconds in the Greater Metro Conference girls cross country race.