Pages From the Past: Month of December 2009

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, December 1, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

Pages from the Past

100 years ago – 1909

Lisbon’s oldest resident, Patrick Carberry, 97, died on Nov. 21. Born in Ireland in 1812, he came to eastern Lisbon in 1843. St. James Catholic Church pastor Rev. Paul E. Schiedel officiated at the funeral Mass before Carberry was buried in the church cemetery off Town Line Road.

50 years ago – 1959

A member of the Sussex Village Board, Joe Ries, 50, has died. He operated the Pate filling station in Sussex. He passed away in his home on Silver Spring and Waukesha Avenue on Nov. 19.

The Union (Hamilton) High School site seems to favor a site on Town Line Road, north of Silver Spring Drive. The school expects 600 students in September 1962 when it opens for freshmen and sophomores only.

25 years ago – 1984

Bob Gurrath, “Mr. Sussex VFW,” died at age 60.

Fred Meissner, 78, a lifetime Lisbon farmer died.

A record 200,000 deer were harvested in the recent Wisconsin deer hunt. The local Fleissner deer hunting group collected seven deer this year.

10 years ago – 1999

There are three incumbent Sussex trustees who will be up for re-election: Vicki Braden, Al Olmstead and Fred Gallant. Chuck Vojtas is expected to run against them in the coming April election.

Five years ago – 2004

Quad Graphics will build a 120-foot high automated storage building at its Sussex site. The big, square structure for storing 38,000 pallets of paper products will be off Main Street and near the Wisconsin Central railroad tracks.


Pages from the Past December 9. 2009

100 years ago – 1909

J.N. Wildish and his brother, Fred, have separated from the joint farming venture they were engaged in North Lisbon.

Stormy weather cancelled the Sunday services at the North Lisbon Methodist Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Steffen of Lisbon celebrated their silver anniversary at their rural home.

50 years ago – 1959

The first 1,000 copies pof the St. Alban’s “Pantry Pleasures” sold out, so a second printing is being considered.

The members of the Lisbon Town Board are Paul Pichler, chairman, plus supervisors, Art Manke, Harry Bartlett and A. J. Weber. constable Ralph Trapp, and Mike Cooling the justice of the peace.

25 years ago – 1984

Lisbon had a rare harvest of seed crop this year, milo, as several hundreds acres of farm land was rented for this crop.

There was an attempted armed robbery at the Sussex Sentry Store. Five employees were bound by a masked robber.

10 years ago – 1999

The incumbent Lisbon supervisors who will have to run in April are Pete Chycinski and Dave Gettleman.

Templeton Middle School will get a big lighted sign on Silver Spring Drive.

Mike Giloy of Sussex got three bucks during a recent season, one was a 16-pointer.
5 years ago – 2004

A Sussex mother, 21 year old. Terwinder Singh, co-owner of Olde Country Spirits (beer depot) faces deportation.

Tom Quadracci will take over as Quad/Graphics chairman Jan. 1. Joel Quadracci will take over as president and chief operating officer.

Pages from the Past December 16. 2009

100 years ago – 1909

Charles Gumm of Lannon is working at the Menomonee Falls Sugar Beet Factory
A telephone has been put in the Charles Mathiak home in Lannon.

Cold weather has held up the completion of the enlarging and remodeling of the Lannon St. John’s Lutheran Church.

50 years ago – 1959

The Sussex Village Board has an approved budget o9f $58, 963.40 to be covered by $3,539,364 (1959) valuation. Village salaries will be an estimated $13,000 in 1960.

Ansel Tellock is the Lisbon Civil Defense Director.

The Wisconsin Telephone Co. has taken over the Menomonee and Lisbon-Sussex exchanges as Dec. 4.

25 years ago – 1984

Lisbon Hillside Road farmer Donald Howard has died at age 69.
Ray and Isabelle Wendt celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

10 years ago – 1999

Just after Lisbon approved a boundary agreement with Sussex, the town board continued their lawsuit against Sussex over an annexation.

The United Methodist Church in Sussex had a living nativity outdoor display.

Five years ago – 2004

Despite their rallies and prayer vigils, and last minute appeals of Olde Country Spirits in Sussex;, the co-owner and mother, Terwinder Singh, with her children, have been deported to India.

Betty Mindemann was presented the “Outstanding Member of the Community” award by the Sussex Chamber of Commerce.

Pages from the Past December 23. 2009

Posted: Living Sussex Sun, Dec. 22, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

Fred Leimback is quite ill at his Lannon hotel, and his daughter, Mrs. Miller, is taking care of him.

Work in the Lannon quarries has stopped because of the season. A number of quarry men are shifting to work at the mammoth Menomonee Falls Sugar Beet Co.

50 years ago – 1959
The Union High School (Hamilton) school board has accepted “Hamilton” as the new name of the soon-to-be open school district. The winning entry was submitted by Linda Wicklund as she was the best of 50 entries.

Dr. Gregory Lawrence has opened a medical office in Lannon near the intersection of Good Hope and Lannon roads. Ninety Lannon people attended a welcome dinner for the new doctor.

25 years ago – 1984
Thirteen-year member John Mueller was the big annual award winner for excellence by the Sussex Snow Bugs snowmobile club. Snowmobiles may be used in the Village limits from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Al Genthe is forming a new Sussex Senior Citizen club.

Jeff Kroneberg is engaged to Cindi Kragel.

10 years ago – 1999
There seems to be only one contest in the upcoming Hamilton School District as newcomer Jennifer Klatt will be running against incumbent Kary Cummingg for the Menomonee Falls seat.

Randy Nick bowled his first 300 game at Sussex Bowl.

Five years ago – 2004
In the Sussex area, five historic buildings will be torn down to make way for the Highway 164 expansion. Included will be the Joe Marsdon home by the northwestern tracks and the former Lisbon Plank Road former Sprinks Saloon.

Pages from the Past December 29. 2009
100 years ago – 1909
You can get a full supply of Christmas candy and cards at Lannon’s Gastrus.
Old Fred Leimbach has died at his Lannon Hotel. Death came at age 63.
Appraisers are in Lisbon as some farmers refuse to sell to the North Western Railroad. Thus the land needed for the railroad will be procured by condemnation proceedings.
50 years ago – 1959
With the coming of a new Sussex, Lisbon and Lannon telephone service all old four-digit numbers will be shortly changed.
Lisbon has a new snow plowing truck at a cost of $24,000. Lisbon has 42 miles of streets to plow.
25 years ago – 1984
Wes Mattila received a watch for 20 years of service from Sussex Fire Chief George Kaestner.
There was a blizzard of 13 inches of snow on Wednesday, Dec. 26.
Trustee Paul Fleischmann will challenge village president, incumbent John Tews in the upcoming April Sussex Village voting.
10 years ago – 1999
There was a possibility that the Colgate 52017 Post Office would relocate on the south side of Highway Q and thus in the Town of Lisbon.
Fireworks will ring in the 2000 New Year at the Sussex Village Park.
Robert Schieffer, former Lisbon Lannon Municipal Judge, has died at age 80.
5 years ago – 2004
Hank Carlson, set to run for the Sussex Village President post, died at age of 68 while in the hospital recovering from back surgery. Carlson was the former owner of Universal Garage, and currently the President of the Sussex Lisbon Area Historical Society. He was currently serving as the area’s County Supervisor, and was a former long time Village trustee.