Pages From the Past: Month of July 2009

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, July 1, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian



100 years ago – 1909
Arthur and his sister Frances Flanagan from Lannon graduated Menomonee Falls High School.
William Brown, 80, the last Lisbon pioneer of his family to come from England, died June 11. He came to the U.S. in 1841 and to Lisbon in 1845. He married Sarah Russell on March 28, 1852. She preceded him in death.
50 years ago – 1959
The new high school district school board elected Francis Beaudry its president. The board examined up to six sites for the new high school. Some advocated two separate highs schools for the 33-square-mile district stretching from Butler to Lisbon.
25 years ago – 1984
Hamilton fought the bussing of Milwaukee students to the suburbs.
Lannon’s Olde Quarry Days was a hit.
Lisbon farmer Bob Butler and his wife, Rescella, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on their farm at Good Hope and Woodside roads.
10 years ago – 1999
M&I Bank began building a new Sussex branch on Highway 164.
Club Avalon in Sussex resisted orders to shut down, claiming a racial basis for their troubles.
Fred Bauer, an early Sussex Library volunteer, died at 60 in Arizona.
5 years ago – 2004
Twenty-nine Lisbon homeowners at the south end of Maple Avenue sued Halquist Stone Co. for alleged well damage and water contamination.
Betty Mindemann retired after 44 years in the antique business.
Lisbon officials back off their “town center” idea, but not their drive to incorporate Lisbon as a village.

Pages from the Past July 8, 2009
100 years ago – 1909
The trustees of Lannon’s St Johns are planning on enlarging their wood church “on the triangle.” The leader of this growing church is the Rev. W.C. Albrecht.
The Lake Shore Stone Company has installed a “single line telephone service” to its quarry.
King Edward the VII has now fully replaced Queen Victoria as the King of England.
50 years ago – 1959
The Sussex Blood Bank received an even 100 pints of blood during their most recent donation day, staffed by the Sussex Lioness Club at the Sussex Community Hall.
Sussex’s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodchick won the recent couple’s bowling tournament in the Falls with a score of 1,300. Charles won the singles event with a score of 718.
25 years ago – 1984
Hamilton High will join a new athletic conference that will include Waukesha South and North, Menomonee Falls, Arrowhead, Brookfield Central and East, Kettle Moraine and Germantown.
Ken Ohrmundt is the Hamilton Athletic Director.
10 years ago – 1999
Sussex had a house fire at the Doubek place on W24320 Ivy Ave. Damage was estimated at $30,000.
Tom Schlei is the chief of the Sussex Fire Dept.
There will be three band concerts in July in the Sussex-Village Park.
The Sussex Sun had 11 pages of help wanted ads.
5 years ago – 2004
The director of the Waukesha YMCA, said a Y in Sussex is “a done deal.”
The new Sussex Hamilton Fine Arts addition and remodeling is nearing completion.
Sussex’s Farmers Insurance agent Cindy Vance is name Farmers Agent of the year.

Pages from the past, July 15, 2009
100 years ago – 1909
Lannon’s Tom McCarty was appointed to the jury commission.
A timely telephone call saved the William McLaughlin Lisbon farm home, as a telephone call went out to neighbors, who put out the attic fire.
50 years ago – 1959
A Sussex-organized playground recreational track meet attracted 130 young participants.
The oiling of all Lisbon subdivision gravel streets was completed.
Officials expected the development of the 120-lot Sussex Estates subdivision.
Sussex planned to annex 112 acres from Lisbon – the Village Park and the Alvin Kraetsch farm.
25 years ago – 1984
Trophy winners at the Fourth of July Kiddie Parade were the 4-year-old Vento triplets, Chucky, Nicky and Tony, and little brother, Jim, 3, who won in the decorated coaster wagon category.
The Sussex Tetzlaff-Steffen clan had a huge reunion at Menomonee Park.
Hamilton’s Jeff Grove and Brian Erickson were on the Tripoli Shrine All-Star football team playing at Oshkosh.
10 years ago – 1999
The state planned to widen Highway 164 to a four-lane highway with a grass median.
Jack Nefstead had a court date, as he admitted to stealing $4,000 from the Sussex Softball Association (SSA). The SSA claimed the amount is much higher.
Four cars were burglarized in Sussex during July 5-6.
5 years ago – 2004
The Lisbon Town Board was shocked by the sudden unexpected resignation of Police Chief Patrick Clarey.
Dan Wnuk had three hits as Lannon (8 and 3) defeated Sussex (11 and 2). Nick Ghelfi had three of Sussex’s five hits in the Land O’Lakes baseball game.

Note: No Pages From the Past were published in the July 22, 2009 edition of the Living Sussex Sun

Pages from the Past July 29, 2009
100 years ago – 1909
The owners of Templeton Limestone Company sent a check for $58 to the Menomonee Falls Fire Company for their recent response to a massive kiln fire. The fire company put a fire wagon on a flat car on the Bug Line and, according to them, arrived eight minutes later in Templeton, saving the Village from the spreading fire.
50 years ago – 1959
Sussex High School and West Point graduate Major David Zillmer visited his parents in Lisbon before going to Hamburg, Germany.
Sussex Trustee Carol Stolper was chairman of the Sussex Park Board, and asked to be relieved of his chairmanship of the Sussex Industrial Development.
25 years ago – 1984
Wilde Plumbings won 29 straight games over two and a half years when Whiskey Corners II finally broke the streak with an 8-5 win.
Art Manke was named as a replacement on the Lisbon Town Board to replace the vacant position held by Don Holt.
The former Paul Pickler home was practice burned as the curve on Good Hope Road by the Wisconsin Central railroad tracks were lowered and straightened.
10 years ago – 1999
Lisbon considered outlawing sprinklers as a new leadership group discussed adopting a stricter fireworks ordinance.
The Jerry Sydorowicz memorial tree was planted at the Sussex Village Park lighted diamond to honor the former Hamilton High School star athlete.
5 years ago – 2004
Former longtime Sussex Village President Paul Fleischmann became the head of the Sussex Water Commission.
The Leo Club was chartered at Hamilton High School with a starting charter membership of 27. Flora Zeng was the first president.