Pages From the Past: Month of November 2009

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, November 3, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian


Pages from the Past November 4, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

It was reported that 75 hunting licenses were issued to Lannon area hunters for the season.

Archbishop Messmer officiated at the St. James Catholic Church confirmation ceremony.

Teddy Roosevelt was the President at the beginning of 1909, but William H. Taft took over soon afterward to become the 26th President of the United States.

50 years ago – 1959

Alvin and Maude Kraetsch, retired farmers from Lisbon, celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary with old friends coming to their farm home across Main Street from the new Sussex Village Park.

Queen Elizabeth became the sovereign of England.

In France, General Charles de Gaulle was proclaimed President.

25 years ago – 1984

The motion by Lisbon County Supervisor Joe Marchese to charge Sussex $10,000 instead of the normal fee of $70 for placing a sanitary sewer connection under the Bug Line Trail was called “ridiculous” by fellow Waukesha County Supervisors. Marchese claimed Sussex had taken advantage of Lisbon in the past, to justify the big fee. There was no second to the motion, and the final approval was for the standard $70.

10 years ago – 1999

Just before deer hunting season, one of the most popular places in Lisbon was the Menomonee Falls Gun Club on Hillside Drive, where hunters checked over and zeroed in their rifles.

A Lisbon man was cited for stinking up a Sussex filling station, after spraying a noxious smelling aerosol can in the station.

5 years ago – 2004

St. James installed a massive granite columbarium at their Town Line Road Cemetery, which has niches for 48-96 urns of cremated remains.

Pages from the Past November 11, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

A burglar broke a window at the Lannon Kiefer Hotel to get in the basement saloon, where $20 in bills was stolen but the change was not touched. The proprietor said he usually took home the big money, but for some reason did not do it that night.

John Flanagan of Lannon married Minnie E. Hayes.

50 years ago – 1959

The Sussex Village Board sold 2 acres of the newly purchased Sussex Village Park to the Sussex VFW. The board also considered letting the new Hamilton High School use 40 acres of the land, as well as the proposed Maple Avenue School.

25 years ago – 1984

The Sussex Lions Club donated and installed a 30-foot high polished aluminum flag pole at the Bristol Court retirement home.

Reuben Sanchez, who was suspected of killing Sussex resident Sharon Egger in 1975, was assigned a Jan. 18, 1985, execution date in Illinois for a murder that took place in Lake County, Ill.

10 years ago – 1999

Two old gravestones for young girls who died of diphtheria in 1862 were discovered in a basement on North Lisbon Road.

Paul Bucher, the Waukesha County district attorney for eight years, was a featured speaker at the Pauline Haass Public Library.

5 years ago – 2004

A Shorewood man was accused of robbing the Lake Five-Lisbon Associated Bank. Ned Giugno made his first court appearance only 28 hours after the robbery.

The property value of Lisbon was more than $869 million, while Sussex stood at over $893 million.

Pages from the Past November 18, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

The William Powrie farm in Lisbon was purchased by the North Western Railroad. It planned to pass through both Powrie’s farm and the adjacent James McLaughlin farm.

Some of the 800 bushels of hickory nuts shipped by the carload from Hartford were harvested in Lisbon.

50 years ago – 1959

In an informal vote, the location for a new Sussex grade school was awarded to the Robert Stier site on Maple Avenue, instead of the Village Park site and the downtown site near the Main Street School, but further north and closer to the railroad tracks. Stiers’ site was more expensive at $1,200 per acre, but it had the least disadvantages.

25 years ago – 1984

Ray Klink became the new county sheriff.

H&H Auto sought approval by the village for its planned facility on Waukesha Avenue.

Hamilton High School cheerleader Sue Stadler was invited to the Aloha Bowl in Hawaii.

Walter Mondale ran against Ronald Reagan in the presidential election. Sussex, Lisbon and Lannon votes went to Reagan.

10 years ago – 1999

The alternate plan for Highway 164, with a “Y” going through Lannon, was nixed by the Lannon village board.

The Sussex VFW leadership was sued by former proprietor Dimitrios Pagoudis.

5 years ago – 2004

The Town of Lisbon ended the 30-year career of Marv “Skip” Burg, a public works employee who served the past five years as director.

Schneider Field, just immediately north of Joecks Field in Lannon, was ceded from Menomonee Falls to Lannon, according to Menomonee Falls Village President Jefferson Davis and Lannon Village President Dan Martin.

Pages from the Past November 23, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

So many sugar beets are being shipped on the Bug Line to Menomonee Falls that the line is thinking of using side tracks in Lannon to store the loaded gondolas.

Sugar beet planting is a big cash crop in Lisbon.

Edward Caesar was peppered with buck shot while hunting with friends in the Lisbon Township Whitehead Swamp area.

50 years ago – 1959

Oil for your basement furnace cost $14.30 a gallon, delivered. (Editor’s note – I believe $14.30 should be something like 14.3 cents a gallon.)

The Sussex Home and School club held a card party as a get-together and a fundraiser. There was a game and door prizes.

Sussex and Lannon did not issue a single home building permit in the first nine months of the year.

The Rev. Edward H. Langdon was the pastor of the Sussex Methodist Church.

25 years ago – 1984

The Miss Robinette of the Sussex Robinettes Baton Corps was Kelly Geschke.

A car crash demolished the Lisbon Central Cemetery stone monument marker.

Joyce Schieffer was the winner of the local annual chili cook-off at McLaughlins’ barn.

H&H Auto sought approval by the village for its planned facility on Waukesha Avenue.

Hamilton High School cheerleader Sue Stadler was invited to the Aloha Bowl in Hawaii.

Walter Mondale ran against Ronald Reagan in the presidential election. Sussex, Lisbon and Lannon votes went to Reagan.

10 years ago – 1999

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church planned an addition to the Guild Hall.

The members of the Lisbon Town Board were Chairman Jerry Schmitz, Supervisors Ron Evert, Pete Chycinski, Dan Meissner and Dave Gettelman, plus teacher Rebecca Plotecher.

5 years ago – 2004

Walgreens broke ground and was well into the construction of its new Sussex store.

Lisbon’s electors, at a special town meeting, voted 40-32 to spend up to $1.5 million for the new firehouse south of Richmond School.