An Index to Wisconsin Breweries By County
Compiled and Edited by Michael R. Reilly,copyright 1996
Last Revised 08/16/2015
A, B, C,D, E, F, G, H,I, J, K, L, M,N, O, P, Q, R,S, T, U, V, W,X, Y, Z
Wisconsin Counties
Other Reference Sources: AmericanBreweries II by Dale P. Van Wieren; The Register of United StatesBreweries 1876-1976, Vol. I & II, by Manfred Friedrich & DonaldBull; The Pabst Brewing Company – The History of an American Brewer byThomas C. Cochran; Breweries of Wisconsin by Jerry Apps; BadgerBreweries: Past & Present by Wayne L. Kroll.The Great American Beer Book by Robertson, James D..Ottawa, IL: Caroline House Publishers, 1978.
;The Beer Can -Beer Can Collectors of America, by Matteson, IL: Great Lakes Living Press, 1976.
Western Historical Company, Chicago: 1880 – Like many similar publications of the period, Western’s 1880 history reliesheavily on interviews with early residents conducted many years later.Narratives were subject to selective, sometimes creative recollection, and theresulting work should be appreciated for the historical publication that it isbut viewed with a critical eye as a history. We caution viewers to verify thedata contained in these early stories.