Bethesda Brewery, Waukesha, William Weber

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Bethesda Brewery


Notice is hereby given to the citizens of Waukesha and the public generally that Charles Minick Sr. and his son, Lewis, who are engaged in bottling and selling beer, have no connection whatever with the Bethesda Brewery, but are doing business for themselves. The beer thay are bottling is manufactured in some brewery outside of Waukesha. I take this means of informing the public that any person or persons buying beer from the said Minicks are not buying beer manufactured by me or at my brewery.


Wm. A. Weber, Prop. Bethesda Brewery, Waukesha, Wis.

Waukesha Freeman June 8, 1893, page 1

To all Whom it May Concern

Notice is given to the citizens of Waukesha and surrounding country that the famous “Bethesda Brewery” Bock Beer will be on tap at all saloons in the village of Waukesha where my beer is sold on Saturday, April 28th, 1894. Very respectfully, Wm. A. Weber

Waukesha Freeman April 26, 1894


Andrew Snyder has resigned his position as accountant for the Bethesda Brewery.

Waukesha Freeman April 22, 1897, page 8

Colgate – Edwin Henschel of Waukesha with several employees of Bethesda Brewery were in town Sunday.

Waukesha Freeman November 4, 1897, page 5

A number of young men who are attending Prof. Hantke’s Brewing academy came to Waukesha last week for the purpose of learning something of the work of brewing. They spent their time at the Bethesda brewery, where they were given instructions by Brewmaster Wallner.

Waukesha Freeman May 12, 1898, page 8