Girl Scouts and Brownies:
Sussex-Lisbon and Lannon Areas
compiled and edited by Michael R. Reilly, May17, 2003
updated 12/27/2005
Early Sussex, Lisbon, Lannon Girl Scout History
Waukesha Girl Scouts playing Santa and distributing to thepoor children of Waukesha. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 25, 1920,page 1.
The (Waukesha) Girl Scouts Troops No. 3 held a business meetingMonday evening at which time the following officers were elected: Patrol Leader,Janet Fraser; corporal, Kathleen Lawless; treasurer, Jean Lowry; and secretary,Olivette Cooley. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March 3, 1921
Girl Scout Nurses
Last year, according to word from headquarters (national);1,829 Girl Scouts received home nurse badges as a mark of their proficiency inthe fundamentals of home nursing. When asked what those fundamentals comprisedin Scout practice, the director of the national council ran through a list whichsounds only a little less complete than the accomplishments of a trained nurse.
Note: more to article. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday,July 20, 1922
Waukesha Girl Scouts joining other Scouts throughout country tosell cookies for the first time. Waukesha Freeman, Wednesday, March 28, 1934
The Girl Scouts of Waukeshaare in their 14th year of organization with 22 registered troops. Thisfall, 300 girls, Brownies and Scouts are already active in their troops, with anequal number waiting for completion of organization plans. A two-weekestablished camp was held for the first time this past summer, making use of theBoy Scout camp at Long Lake. Through the war years, the Girl Scouts held greasedrives as part of their service work to aid the government in production of warmaterials. With the war ended, the need of fat continued because of the shortageof soap-making materials. For this reason, the Waukesha Girl Scouts havecontinued their regular drives, with the twelfth held last Saturday. WaukeshaDaily Freeman, Monday, October 7, 1946
Camp Clover opens for girl scouts, 3 miles south of Waukesha onRacine Ave. at Swartz’s Woods. Waukesha Daily Freeman, Tuesday, June 17, 1947
Russell Miller, localscoutmaster, had this to say representing the Horne-Mudlitz Post 6377 VFW, whenhe presented to the Girl Scout troop 22 and Brownies troop 97 ofSussex the flag of our nation and their organization: “We all know thatthey will use the flag in a proper fashion and pay all the honor and respect duethe flag of our country. “It is wonderful to see so many parents andfriends. The future of America lies in our children, the youth of today. Whatbetter weapons could we have than our children inspired with the ideals offreedom and liberty to keep our nation the land of the free. “It is a shameto see so few flags displayed on holidays. During the last war almost everyhouse had one up. Must we be at war to fly the flag of our country? Let’s all beloyal Americans and keeps the Flags flying.” Waukesha Daily Freeman,May 19, 1955, page 4 of 12.
Two other active groups include the BoyScouts and the Girl Scouts. The girl Scouts are led by Mrs. Maryanna Hart. Thelocal Brownies leader, Mrs. Robert Stier. Both girls’ groups will attend GirlsScout camp at Menomonee Falls, June 21-24. Waukesha Daily Freeman, June16, 1955, page 11 of 28
Mrs. Roland Kufalk, former assistant GirlScout leader, has taken over full time leadership of the group, Troop 22. Mrs.Virgil Hart, former leader, will continue as an assistant. Mrs. Robert Stier isleader of the Brownies. Both Groups will meet at the Sussex school Wednesday,Oct. 5, for their first meeting of the year. Waukesha DailyFreeman, Wednesday, October 5, 1955
Girl Scout Troop 483 meeting at Willow Springs school. SussexSun, October 12, 1976, page 4.
Mrs. Claudia Wittman, of Sussex, elected President of Great BlueHeron Girl Scout Council. Sussex Sun, October 25, 1976 and November 23,1976, page 2.
In March 1985 – Marcy School had Brownie Troops 237, 305, and160. Plus Junior Troops 504 and 555. Lannon School had Brownie Troops 189, 505,611, 646; Junior Troops 189, 343, 571 and 610. Maple Avenue School BrownieTroops 118, 145 and 357, with Junior Troops 137, 204 and 618. Templeton MiddleSchool had Cadette Troop 240 and Junior Troop 506; while St. James had BrownieTroop 466 and Junior Troops 210, 238, and 419. Sussex Sun, March 12,1985, page 13.
EarlyGirl Scout history – Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low assembled 18girls from Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912, for a local Girl Scout meeting.She believed that all girls should be given the opportunity to developphysically, mentally, and spiritually. With the goal of bringing girls out ofisolated home environments and into community service and the open air, GirlScouts hiked, played basketball, went on camping trips, learned how to tell timeby the stars, and studied first aid.
On June 10, 1915 the organization was incorporated as GirlScouts, Inc. under the laws of the District of Columbia
By 1920, Girl Scouts was growing in its independence from theBritish Girl Guide example and developed its own uniform, handbook (Scouting forGirls), and its own constitution and bylaws, contained in the Blue Book of Rulesfor Girl Scout Captains.
1920 – Juliette Low’s birthday, October 31, is officiallydesignated Founder’s Day.
1924 – First Girl Scout troop organized in Janesville. 1927 -Juliette Gordon Low dies in Savannah, Georgia. Membership is 200,000.
1929 – First Girl Scout troop organized in Beloit.
1930’s – The Girl Scout program was divided into three groups-Brownie,Intermediate, and Senior-in order to enhance service and provide age-appropriateactivities for girls.
The first sale of commercially baked Girl Scout Cookies®took place.
1950’s – Girl Scouts of the USA wasre-incorporated in 1950 under a Congressional Charter.
1957 – Badger Council is formed with the Janesville and Beloitcouncils merging and added troops from Green and Walworth counties. BadgerCouncil’s membership is 3,253.
1958 – First cookie sale in Badger Council.
The social unrest of the 1960s was reflected in organizationactions and Girl Scout program change, including introduction in 1963 of fourprogram age-levels for girls: Brownie, Junior, Cadette, and Senior Girl Scouts.
1967 – Camp Oakwood Knoll near East Troy was purchased.
1984 – Daisy Girl Scouts, kindergarten age, is started.
1992 – 80 years of Girl Scouting is celebrated. Nationwidemembership is 3 million.
Girl Scouts – Great BlueHeron Council, Inc.