by Mike Reilly
Collectors generally look for informationabout the tins they have, wanting to learn more about how the tins were made, how old atin is, and acquire knowledge of the brand name and manufacturer.
One of the best sources of informationis your local library. Look under the collectibles or hobbies section or use the cardcatalog to find what the library has. Many libraries are switching to a computerized cardcatalog, and if you don’t feel comfortable about using it, most reference librarians willgladly help you.
Don’t be discouraged if your library doesn’thave the book(s) you want. Some libraries are connected to a state-wide inter-library loansystem. This means that your library can request a book for you from other librarylocations. This can also be done on a nation-wide search as well. I’ve gotten books fromCalifornia and Kentucky.
Something else to consider – a bookmay not have been written yet on your subject. This is good and bad for the collector. Thebad news is there’s usually a price guide to go along with it and you’ll pay higher pricesfor the items you collect, but that’s progress and the price you pay for information.
Also check out your local antiqueshops. Many of the larger ones have a book section. Even if they have this, they probablywon’t carry every book printed, so check other shops, go to shows and fleamarkets (in theU.K. they’re called “fairs”), and be sure to ask dealers if they know of booksavailable.
Subscribing to newsletters on tins orjoining a local/national club helps too. I’ve written about the three I know of but thereare other clubs devoted strictly to certain brands, such as Coke collectibles.
One source of books I’ve used several timesis L-W BOOK SALES. They sell books on antiques and collectibles at greatly reduced prices.Only thing is, you have to buy a minimum of six books to get their wholesale price. Thisdoesn’t mean you have to buy six of the same book title. They have a wide variety and ifyou can’t find six that you want, maybe a friend will order some with you. You can emailthem at – LWBOOK@COMTECK.COM or call 1-800-777-6450 to request their latest catalog.They’re very prompt about sending out your order and accept Visa & Mastercard.
DON’T pass up the opportunity to readbooks on tins you don’t collect. Why? Because many of them contain general or specificinformation that may pertain to your collecting interest. And don’t forget the booksprinted on general line antiques such as Kovel’s, Miller’s, Warman’s, etc. These can alsobe found at your library and usually contain a section on metal ware, tins, or brand nameitems, etc.
Books on a particular brand/manufacturerdon’t always cover the subject completely. This is especially true when it comes topictures, illustrations, and listings..
Even if several books have beenwritten, not all information may still be accounted for. So don’t be surprised to find atin not listed. And this “unknown” that you have, may or may not be a rarity.Perhaps it was just overlooked, then again it might be worth something, but then you knowthat this depends on the market for the tin.
You may have to go to other”specialty” collector books to find info you need. Such books might be writtenon Campbell’s, Coke, Pepsi or Planter’s Peanuts. Did you know that Planter’s sold chips ina tin?
Many of the books written cover”antique” tins. That is they usually don’t go much beyond the 1950’s. Few bookscover modern or contemporary tins, except again for some of the specialty books.
If you collect local brand tins, one of yourbest sources of information is the county or state historical society where themanufacturer/distributor operated. They may have a information “file” alreadystarted if the business concern was a prominent one. They or your local library may alsohave “City Directories” (like an early phone book) that list residents andbusinesses. Some have special business listings, so you may have to look under suchheadings as “Tins”, “Grocer”, “Food”, etc. You may be ableto determine when a business began, if it moved, was bought by someone, who the ownerswere, etc. Some of them also advertised in these directories, so you may be able to dateyour tin from an early advertisement.
The local library (or historical society) mayhave the community newspaper(s) on microfilm. Some, where help has been available, havestarted/maintained an index to these reels of info. Ask the librarian. These oldnewspapers may reveal valuable facts about your tins through the ads or news articles.
Talking or writing to people with likeinterests is one of the best ways of learning more about your collection. I know of agroup that formed a “Pen Pal” club several years ago and have helped one anotherout with additions to their collections. They’ve also developed friendships along the way.
One last thing about getting information.There exists local and/or state antique bottle/glassware clubs that might include people who collect advertising items in their membership. You may have already attended one oftheir annual shows. Just remember that joining a club, like subscribing to a newsletter,has to be a two way street effort. You have to participate in some way to reap the benefits. The simplest article, inquiry reply, or ad could stimulate further discussion and involvement.