Old Sussex Community Hall Built 1937

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      1. Old Sussex Community Hall Built 1937
    1. Editor addition [from Facebook post Oct 7, 2015]: Courier, Sept 28, 1937 – 9th and 10th Grade girls play indoor baseball at new Sussex Community Hall.

Girls’ basketball is over also, and although we didn’t win our two games, we had a great deal of fun and all of us learned the sport.

In our first game which Merton we played girls’ rules and found our opponents not so lady-like. After a split thumb, cuts and bruises, we played our next game in the good fighting manner, and not nearly the number of casualties resulted. At Merton and we had four different teams. Thus everyone was given a chance to play. Nowadays girls do not engage in much in inter-school competition, and so it is almost impossible get girls basketball games. But we have a great deal of fun just playing in the hall with each other after school. A number of the girls have been faithful supporters of the boys team, especially Doris, Jean Adele, Lorraine P., Jean, and Miss Klatt.

Editor addition [from Facebook post Oct 28, 2015]: This is an excerpt from an early 1938 Courier newsletter; the students summarizing the end of the basketball season at Main Street School, and the required rental of the Community Hall in order to play.

“After figuring up the total receipts and expenditures, we find that our basketball season was not a success on the financial standpoint. We went into the hole to the tune of $10.40. This money will have to be taken from the profit of the Lyceum Course, if there’s any profit.

    1. Thus in our first year of the game we learn to our sorrow that basketball is an expensive luxury for a school that does not have its own gymnasium, and has to pay rent for a hall. Our suits are very old ones and are full of moth holes, next year will have to have new ones, if we play.

Perhaps we cannot afford basketball. But we had so much fun at it this year that we actually would hate to give up the game.”