Pages From the Past – March 2009

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, March 3, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian


100 years ago – 1909
Worker recruiters Wallen and Gumz “received 40 Italians this week.”
The Lannon Berschem, Schroeder & Co. general store received a shipment of fine dress goods.
John McCartan of Lake Five was in Menomonee Falls to sell honeybee hives.
50 years ago – 1959
The county created a new school district including Sussex, Lannon, Butler, one-third of Menomonee Falls, half of Lisbon and a small section of Pewaukee.
Viola Fryda was the incumbent Lisbon town clerk.
25 years ago – 1984
The Hamilton Chargers wrestling team sent five to state: John Mueller, Joe Nettesheim, Ken Ernewein, Brian Donald and Ron Figueroa.
Sue Leonard led the Sussex freshman girls basketball team, coached by Tom Konkol, to an undefeated 12-0 season.
10 years ago – 1999
A British firm, Rexam Plc, purchased Sussex Plastics.
The Lisbon Fire Department presented four Chief’s awards at their annual banquet to Dan Meissner, Paul Ferbeer, Randy Wittig and Bill Lawrence.
Hamilton senior wrestler John Plese finished fourth in the WIAA tournament’s 171-pound class.
5 years ago – 2004
Halquist Stone Co. changed Dozer Day from an annual to a biannual event.
Lisbon asked Sussex to provide municipal water for the damaged wells on Maple Avenue near the Halquist quarry. Sussex said doing so would require a negotiated amendment to the two communities’ boundary agreement.
Rob Schoner at 171 pounds finished up his Hamilton wrestling year with a 28-5 performance at the state tournament.

March 10, 2009

100 years ago – 1909

Lannon carpenter William Van Cleet dropped dead in the Menomonee Falls railroad depot last week while waiting for a train to take him back home. .

50 years ago – 1959

Three persons ran for Sussex Village President: Village Trustee Roy Stier, 47, and newcomers Daniel Gruelich, 42, and Elmer Prieis, 40.

Lannon grew by 800 acres as they annexed a 1¼-square-mile piece of land from the Town of Menomonee Falls.

25 years ago – 1984

An alleged killer from Illinois was identified as a suspect in the murder of Sharon Egerer of Sussex, who was shot and beaten May 31, 1975.

John Kuehn, 67, of Sussex died Feb. 24. The Maple Avenue resident was the coach of the 1950-51 undefeated Land O’ Rivers Sussex championship basketball team.

10 years ago – 1999

After sustaining a half-million dollar fire on Jan. 29, H&H Auto on Waukesha Avenue rebuilt.

A cow on Mike Fryda’s Hillside Road farm gave birth to triplets, a very rare occurrence.

Lt Bob Landgraf was named the Sussex Fire Department’s Firefighter of the Year.

Lannon defended its right to charge the Lannon Stonemen Land O’ Lakes baseball team $100 per game to play at Joecks Field.

5 years ago – 2004

Lisbon approved the Ironwood housing plats next to the golf course.

Joan Steffen, 71, died. She had been a long time telephone and radio operator for the Sussex Fire Department.

Hamilton student Joe Semrad went to study in Germany as an exchange student.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, March 17, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian
100 years ago – 1909
The critically ill Jeremiah Smith was one of the organizers of the Lisbon Farmers Fire Insurance Co. He had also served as the secretary of the Sussex Ashlars’ Lodge for 10 years and as Waukesha County Coroner for six years.
50 years ago – 1959
Following its Friday night fish fries, the Lake Five Resort run by Ash and Lucille Weigan offered live music by Pete and Mary Rademacher on Saturday nights.
Three dozen oranges cost $1 at National Tea.
25 years ago – 1984
Lisbon Town Supervisor Bart Gaffney suggested that the Lisbon Fire Department charge for its house calls. Supervisor Gus Sandroni opposed the proposal.
The Hamilton boys team won its ninth regional basketball championship in 12 years.
10 years ago – 1999
William Harland, 92, died March 4. He was a member of the Sussex Ashlars’ Lodge for more than 71 years.
Dan Degner started his first year as coach of the Hamilton Boys Basketball team.
Hamilton basketball player Brandon Anders was the Greater Metro Conference high scorer.
5 years ago – 2004
Redeemer United Church of Christ lost its church to a night-time fire.
The Sussex Area Chamber of Commerce named Sheri Pellechia its new executive director.
Sussex Lumber announced it will close upon the retirement of its 74-year-old owner, Charles Zimmermann.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, March 24, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian
100 years ago – 1909
Dr. W. B. Campbell, doctor to many Lisbon and Sussex patients, supported the re-election of M.S. Griswold as county judge.
The judge’s son, attorney W. S. Griswold, was in Sussex and Lannon campaigning for him.
50 years ago – 1959
Sussex was hit by a Scarlatina (Scarlet Fever) epidemic, making it hard for schools to hold classes.
Veteran County Supervisor Charles Busse was re-elected to the Sussex seat on the County Board.
25 years ago – 1984
Five “spec” buildings were scheduled to go up in the Sussex Industrial Park.
Quad/Graphics planned a major addition to its Sussex plant.
The Sussex Village Board voted 5-2 to buy the abandoned Main Street School and adjacent park land for $220,000 with a loan that carried no interest the first three years. Trustees John Bauer and Sal Maglio voted no.
10 years ago – 1999
Upscale senior apartments were planned for the Harvey Wegner farm development on Maple Avenue south of Clover Drive.
The Village Board also considered establishing a large senior citizen center there.
5 years ago – 2004
The Kids Come First Day Care Center began looking for a new location after losing their old facility in the Redeemer United Church of Christ building on Town Line Road in Lisbon after it burned to the ground.
Lisbon’s Police Chief was Patrick Clarey.
Joe Dundon was second-team All-Conference for the Hamilton boys’ basketball team.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, March 31, 2009
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian
100 years ago – 1909
Patrick McCartan’s Lake Five property, 13 lots with a saloon and hotel, was sold by the executor of his estate, James O’Keane, to McCartan’s brother, Frank.
William Sennott, 56, of Lake Five died March 8.
Lannon hosted the Union Gospel Brigade singing group, consisting of nine members of the Ayers-Hilborn family.
50 years ago – 1959
Mr. and Mrs. George Grenwis of Sussex celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with 70 guests at the Maple Avenue home of son-in-law John Kuehn.
Butler objected to holding the proposed new union high school district meeting in Sussex Community Hall.
25 years ago – 1984
Carl Trapp tried to attach 320 acres just south of Village Park and Maple Avenue School to the Village of Sussex.
Quadriplegic David Granlund ran for re-election to a second two-year term on the Sussex Village Board.
10 years ago – 1999
Lisbon Supervisor Dan Meissner was upset that the town used Lisbon police squad cars to deliver village papers to Town Board supervisors.
Lisbon lost another police chief when Charles M. DiPiazza resigned the post after only seven months.
5 years ago – 2004
Lisbon Town Chairman Gerald Schmitz rejected Sussex’s demand for a border agreement amendment to supply water to the Stoney Halquist Park subdivision area.