Pages From the Past – November 2008

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun,  November 5, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago — 1908

Bertha S. Stein, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stein, died Nov. 2 and was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.

Herman Kaderabek ran a meat market in Sussex and F.W. Schroeder in Templeton.

50 years ago — 1958

Sussex’s Ted Tetzlaff was named king of the Menomonee Falls High School homecoming court.

Lake Five Resort came under new management: Lucille and Ashley Wiegand.

25 years ago — 1983

The Hamilton School District received a request from Milwaukee Public Schools to set up student exchanges to achieve racial balance in Milwaukee schools by 1987-88.

Pfc. Michael Brendel of Sussex was in a battle in Grenada.

10 years ago — 1998

Ruby Kazmerchak, 84, a Lisbonite nearly his whole life, died.

Winners of the 15th annual Sussex chili cookoff were Mel Trapp, Carolyn Mrozinski and Jim Skarda.

Tom Konkol coached the Hamilton girls soccer team.

5 years ago — 2003

A memorial tree in honor of Richard Dawn was planted Nov. 5 in Sussex Village Park next to the softball diamond, one of Dawn’s favorite spots in the park.

The Village of Sussex and Bielinski Custom Homes received a $400,000 grant to clean up “brown field” problems at the old Mammoth Spring cannery site.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun, November 12, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago — 1908
The pastor of Sussex Methodist Church was the Rev. C.W. Heywood.
William Howard Taft was elected President of the United States, replacing Teddy Roosevelt.
50 years ago — 1958
Designs for Civil Defense bomb shelters were a hot topic as the Cold War intensified.
Sussex sold its hardball and softball fields to Sussex Main Street School for $8,000. The village arranged to rent the fields for two years, until the new fields in Village Park were ready.
25 years ago — 1983
Quarterbacked by Jim Wapoose, the Hamilton High School football team closed out its season with a 24-21 win over Greendale to finish the season 7-3.
A first-year Hamilton teacher was scheduled to earn $28,950 a year under the new contract.
A wild turkey adopted Colgate as its home. Village residents fed and watched out for her.
10 years ago — 1998
A Lisbon referendum to make the the town clerk position appointed rather than elected appeared to lose by one vote, 1,690-1,689. A recount reversed the results and passed the referendum by three votes, 1,688-1,685.
5 years ago — 2003
Sussex initiated a survey to determine whether it had a gypsy moth infestation.
Former Hamilton High School varsity football coach Stan Grove began providing commentary on high school games for Time Warner Cable.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun,  November 19, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago — 1908
Edward W. Weaver, a farmer on the old Thomas Weaver property at Lisbon Road and Maple Avenue, ran an ad offering “Fancy Shropshire sheep, Berkshire hogs and barred Plymouth Rock chickens. Mail orders are promptly attended to.”
50 years ago — 1958
Sussex decided to rent the the village constable’s two-way squad car radio and split the cost evenly with Lisbon. Lisbon could sell its share back for 90 percent of its cost if it ever decided to buy its own squad car.
Milton Mantz, who umpired the Sussex Athletic Club’s softball league, ran a Farmers Mutual insurance business out of his home on Waukesha Avenue.
25 years ago — 1983
Colgate’s community pet turkey was killed when it was hit by a car while walking on Highway Q.
Mike Hyland was the coach of the Hamilton girls basketball team.
As a result of misconduct by four of its players, the Templeton Middle School girls basketball team canceled four games.
10 years ago — 1998
Kathy Gotthardt donated her 48th pint of blood in 48 years at the annual Sussex Lioness blood drive.
The Lannon Lions Club installed playground toys at Joecks Field.
Maple Avenue School teacher Terry Fojtik replaced the historical marker for Lisbon’s first teacher, Melinda Weaver (1813-1886). The marker has since been lost.
5 years ago — 2003
The Olde Country Floral Shoppe (the old Davidson home) on Main Street was razed. The Villas at Maplewood Terrace built condos on and behind the former flower shop site.
Lisbon Plan Commissioner Michael Reed fought the appointment of a full-time Lisbon fire chief.
Former Lisbon farmer John Opsahl, died at 87.

Pages from the Past
Posted: Sussex Sun,  November 26, 2008
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago — 1908
John Kyriacopoulos of Mason City, Iowa, was found dead on the Wisconsin Central Railroad track a mile south of Templeton. Well dressed, he had $60 in his pocket, and part of his head was cut off, but a small yellow slip of paper with his name was found. An inquest was held. It was later determined that he had a wife and six children in Greece.
50 years ago — 1958
Sussex deer hunter David Johns got his deer between Sussex and Merton, and Walter Struck, also of Sussex, killed one on the Paul Heling farm on Highway J. Other successful Sussex area hunters were Clarence Goifler and Lloyd Piechowske.
Kurt Kneiske, president of Sussex’s Mammoth Spring Canning Co., was elected president of the Wisconsin Canners Association.
25 years ago — 1983
Eleanor Motz, a former teller at Sussex State Bank and its successor, Farmers and Merchants Bank, died at 82.
The Sussex-Lisbon Business and Professional Association issued a local historical calendar for 1984 costing $2.50.
10 years ago — 1998
Brett Cantillion was a two-way all-conference football all-star for Hamilton High School as an offensive guard and defensive linebacker. Other first-team all-conference players were John Plese at cornerback and Brett Eimermann at center. Eimermann also made the all-conference second team as a linebacker.
Horrific winds blew down the new Maple Avenue School’s concrete walls during construction.
5 years ago — 2003
A memorial tree was planted in Grogan Park by the family and friends of Terri “Mrs. B” Bernhardt. She was a former Sussex Park Board member and at one time served as its chairwoman.
Sussex Village Park fees went up substantially, riling some recreational groups and sports teams.
The Lisbon Police Department gave away gun locks.