Peanut Butter Tins

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About Peanuts

AmericanPeanut Shellers Association

     American Peanut Shellers Association, P.O.Box 70157 • Albany, Georgia 31708-0157, 912.888.2508 • fax: 912. 888-5150,e-mail:

National PeanutResearch Laboratory – The National Peanut Research Laboratory was established in 1969.The primary mission of the laboratory is to develop technology that addresses the majorproblems of the United States peanut industry.

PeanutButter Trivia Game

AdultPeanut Butter Lovers’ Fan Club

     Adult Peanut Butter Lovers’ Fan Club, WebSite Editor, 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105A , Atlanta, GA 30350

The Peanut Institute

    P. O. Box 70157, Albany, GA 31708-0157,Telephone: (912) 880-0216, Toll-free: 1-888-8 PEANUT, FAX: (912) 888-5150,

AMERICAN PEANUT COUNCIL, 1500 King Street, Suite 301, Alexandria,VA 22314-2737, Telephone: (703) 838-9500, Fax: (703) 838-9089, e-mail:,Jeannette Anderson, President

     The AMERICAN PEANUT COUNCIL is theumbrella organization of the peanut industry, representing growers, shellers, processors,brokers and other industry interests.

Krema Nut Company

KrogerManufacturing Group

Smucker’sPeanut Butter

Teddie Peanut Butter andthe Levitt Corporation

The Peanut Kids


Peanut Butter/Peanut Spread History

     About one-half of all edible peanuts produced in the United States are used to make peanut butter and peanut spreads. By lawand industry standard, any product labeled “peanut butter” in the U. S. must beat least 90% peanuts. The remaining 10% may be salt, sweetener and an emulsifier (hardened vegetable oil which prevents the peanut oil from separating and rising to the top).

     Other similar products which don’tsubscribe to the 90%/10% rule are labeled peanut spread. Many are reduced fat products with added vitamins and minerals. These standards are subscribed to by the industry toassure consumers of uniformly nutritious products.

     There are many claims about the origin ofpeanut butter. Africans ground peanuts into stews as early as the 15th century. The Chinese have crushed peanuts into creamy sauces for centuries. Civil War soldiers dined on’peanut porridge.’ These uses, however, bore little resemblance to peanut butter as it isknown today.

     The ancient South American Indians were the first to make and eat peanut butter, and one of the peanut foods invented by Dr.George Washington Carver was similar to peanut butter. Historical reference has it, however, that peanut butter was invented by a physician in St. Louis (see below) about 1890 as a health food for the elderly. No one remembers the physician’s name, althoughrecords show that in 1903 Ambrose W. Straub of St. Louis patented a machine to make peanutbutter.

     In 1890, an unknown St. Louis physician supposedly encouraged the owner of a food products company, George A. Bayle Jr., to process and package ground peanut paste as a nutritious protein substitute for people with poor teeth who couldn’t chew meat. The physician apparently had experimented by grindingpeanuts in his hand-cranked meat grinder. Bayle mechanized the process and began sellingpeanut butter out of barrels for about 6¢ per pound.

First Patent

    Around the same time, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in Battle Creek, Michigan, began experimenting with peanut butter as a vegetarian source ofprotein for his patients. His brother, W.K. Kellogg, was business manager of their sanitarium, the Western Health Reform Institute, but soon opened Sanitas Nut Company which supplied foods like peanut butter to local grocery stores.

     The Kelloggs’ patent for the “Process of Preparing Nut Meal” in 1895 described “a pasty adhesive substance that is forconvenience of distinction termed nut butter.” However, their peanut butter was not as tasty as peanut butter today because the peanuts were steamed, instead of roasted, prior to grinding. The Kellogg brothers turned their attention to cereals which eventually gained them worldwide recognition.

     Joseph Lambert, a Kellogg employee who hadworked on developing food processing equipment, began selling his own hand-operated peanut butter grinders in 1896. Three years later, his wife Almeeta published the first nutcookbook, “The Complete Guide to Nut Cookery” and two years later the LambertFood Company was organized.

     C.H. Sumner was the first to introduce peanut butter to the world at the Universal Exposition of 1904 in St. Louis. He sold $705.11 of the treat at his concession stand and peanut butter was on its way to becomingan American favorite!

     Krema Products Company in Columbus, Ohio began selling peanut butter in 1908 ~ and is the oldest peanut butter company still in operation today (Established in 1898). Krema’s founder, Benton Black, used the slogan, “I refuse to sell outside of Ohio.” This was practical at the timesince peanut butter packed in barrels spoiled quickly and an interstate road system had not yet been built.

     In 1922, Joseph L. Rosefield began sellinga number of brands of peanut butter in California. These peanut butters were churned like butter so they were smoother than the gritty peanut butters of the day. He soon received the first patent for a shelf-stable peanut butter which would stay fresh for up to a year because the oil didn’t separate from the peanut butter.

     One of the first companies to adopt this new process was Swift & Company for its E.K. Pond peanut butter~ renamed Peter Pan in 1928. In 1932, Rosefield had a dispute with Peter Pan and began producing peanut butter under the Skippy label the following year. Rosefield created the first crunchy style peanut butter two years later by adding chopped peanuts into creamy peanut butter at the end of the manufacturing process.

     In 1955, Procter & Gamble entered the peanut butter business by acquiring W.T. Young Foods in Lexington, Kentucky, makers of Big Top Peanut Butter. They introduced Jif in 1958 and nowoperate the world’s largest peanut butter plant ~ churning out 250,000 jars every day!

     Basically, all peanut butter is made by a similar process. First the raw, shelled peanuts are roasted and cooled, then the skins are removed (blanched.) Some manufacturers split the kernels and remove the heart of thepeanut as well. The hearts can be saved to make peanut oil and the skins left over from blanching can be sold for animal feed. The blanched peanut kernels are electronicallysorted or hand picked one last time to be sure only good, wholesome kernels are used inpeanut butter.

     The peanuts are ground, usually through two grinding stages, to produce a smooth, even-textured butter. The peanuts are heatedduring the grinding to about 170 degrees F . Once the emulsifiers are added and mixed, thebutter is cooled rapidly to 120 degrees F or below. This crystallizes the emulsifiers, thus trapping the peanut oil that was released by the grinding. To make chunky peanut butter, peanut granules are added to the creamy peanut butter. The peanut butter is then packed into containers for sale at stores.

Types of Peanuts

     Although peanuts come in many varieties,there are four basic market types: Runner, Virginia, Spanish and Valencia. Each of the peanut types is distinctive in size, flavor, and nutritional composition.

     Runners have become the dominant type due to the introduction in the early 1970’s of a new runnervariety, the Florunner, which was responsible for a spectacular increase in peanut yields. Runners have rapidly gained wide acceptance because of the attractive, uniform kernel size. Fifty-four percent of the runners grown are used for peanut butter. Runners are  grown mainly in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma.

Unless otherwise noted the tin is round with apressed lid. A “pail” indicates the tin has a handle, usually referred to as a”bail”. All tins listed are lithographed unless otherwise indicated.

References: Food and Drink Containersand Their Prices by Al Bergevin; Advertising:Identification and Price Guide by Dawn E.Reno; eBay Auction results.

Peanut Butter Tin Listing “A” thru”L”

Adams, pail, 3 x 4.

Alton Peanut Butter 1 lb. Tin Cup…Alton Mercantile Company…Enid, OK…31/2″ tall…3 5/8″ Diameter…Handled Tin Litho Cup.

Aunt Sally, Portage Wholesale Grocery Co., Portage, Wisconsin, pail w/slip lid,3 x 3 1/2.

Battleship, The Canby, Ach & Candy Co., Dayton, Ohio, pail w/ slip lid, 3 x3 1/2.

Bayle, Bayle Food Products Co., St. Louis, Mo., 12 ounces, diamond pattern, 3 x3 1/2.

Bayle, pail w/slip lid, pictures of Scouts, 3 x 4.

Beaver, Beaver Maple Products, Limited, Whytby, Ont., pail, 3 x 4.

Bel-Car-Mo, The Bel-Car-Mo Nut Butter Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1 lb., 3 x 4.

BEL-CAR-MO brand PEANUT BUTTER PAIL, 9″ diameter and 6 3/4″ tall.Front reads; “Guaranteed Pure, Bel-Car-Mo Brand Peanut Butter, Net wgt.10 lbs.,manufactured by The Bel-Car-Mo. Nut Butter Co., Inc., Grandrapids Mich.”. Tub isyellow in color and label is reddish.

Bengal Brand, Griggs, Cooper & Co., St. Paul, Minn., pail, 3 x 4.

Berkshire Brand, Miller & Hart, Chicago, 2 1/2 x 4.

Bishop’s, Bishop & Company, Los Angeles and San Diego, 5 x 3.

Bowes, Bowes Company, Ltd., Toronto, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Brownie, United Fig & date Company, Chicago & New York, pail, 3 x 3.

Browne’s, Pedigreed Products Corp’n, Elmira, N.Y., 1 pound, pail w/slip lid, 31/2 x 4.

Buffalo Brand Peanut Butter tin. F.M. Hoyt & Co.,Amesbury, Mass. One pound size, measures 3 1/4″ across and 3 3/4″ high.

Buffalo Brand, F.M. Hoyt & Co., Amesbury, Mass., pail w/slip lid,  21/2 x 4.

Canada Nut Co., two different tins with squirrel designs but vary from regularSquirrel brand tins, both have pressed lid, made by Canada Nut Co., Vancouver, B.C.,Canada, one is 3 1/2 x 3 1/2, the other is 5 x 7.

Capital Brand, The Andrus Scofield Co., Columbus, Oh., pail w/slip lid, 14ounce, 2 1/2 x 4.

Chef (High Grade), The Berdan Company, Toledo, Ohio, founded in 1836, 4 x 3 1/2.

Chef, The Berdan Company, 1 lb, 4 x 3 1/4.

Clark’s, pail, pictures of Indians and hunting scenes, 3 1/4 x 3 1/2.

Climax, J.W. Beardsley’s Sons, Newark, N.J., 2 1/2 x 4.

Club House Brand Peanut Butter Tin, a 4 pound tin, approx. 5 3/4 by 5 1/2 , hasa pail handle, this is a great tin showing a cowboy on a bucking horse and another cowboyroping!! Gorman, Eckert & Co., Limited, Toronto.

CO-OP, Interprovincial Co-operatives Ltd. Winnipeg Canada , its a 48 oz. canmeasuring 5″ by 5″.

C.P.C., California Peanut Co., San Francisco & Oakland, Ca., pail w/sliplid, 1 lb, 3 x 4.

C-Rations, 4 cans, one meal, Vietnam issue. four cans of  C-rations(combatrations).(1)can chicken boned,wbroth, (1) B-2 Crackers and Cocoa Beverage powder,(1) Peanut butter, (1)Tuna. Also included (1) P-38 canopener(A John Wayne to Marines).

Cream Brand Peanut Butter Net Weight 2 Lbs. Absolutely Pure and Healthful,Manufactured By St. Laurent Bros. Bay City Mich. The tin is about 4 1/2″ tall andabout 4 1/2″ Across the top.

Cream, St. Laurent Bros., Inc., Bay City, Mich., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Credo Peanut Butter was packed by the Cream Dove Mfg. Co., Inc., Binghamton,N.Y., 1 lb, pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Dixie, The Kelly Co., Cleveland, Ohio, pail w/slip lid, 1 lb., 3 x 3 1/2.

Elephant Peanut Butter Tin Pail, 4# peanut butter pail from Gold Medal Products,Toronto, stands 5-3/4″ tall and is 5-1/2″ in diameter. Great graphics of anelephant and other circus acts.

EMPRESS PEANUT BUTTER TIN, 27 oz. 6 1/2 inch can.

EMPRESS PEANUT BUTTER TIN, Empress Company of Vancouver B.C., a48 oz. can measuring 5″ by 5″, picture of Mexican man playing guitar on burro.

FI-NA-ST, First National, 1 pound, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Hi, Not much to add, but my grandfather H.B. Flowers producedpeanut butter and his tins list W.B. Bertels & Sons as the tin canmanufacturer. The tins note Wilkes-Barre, PA as the address for W.B. Bertels& Sons. His peanut butter factory was in Lebanon, PA and sold under FlowerBrand Peanut Butter. The tins were rather plain with”brass-toned” finish and black block lettering. Looked like smallpails. Thanks for listing your info. Tim Flowers

‘Frontenag Brand Peanut Butter Packed for Gannon Grocery Co. Marquette Mich.’Circa 1928 Tin is in Very Good Plus Condition. Measures 3 x 3 1/2 inches, 12 oz size.

Frontier, Nave-mcCord Mercantile Co., St. Joseph, Mo., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 31/2.

G,D.M. Brand, pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Gold Medal, Gold medal Products, Limited, Toronto, Canada, 3 x 3 1/2.

Gold Flake, Kelly Peanut Co., Boston, Mass., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2, Pailmade by CANCO.

Horne’s Good Luck Peanut Butter with the horse shoe motif, a 3 1/.2 pound pailwith wire handle, Harry Horne foods Toronto

Happy Home, pail, 2 1/2 x 4.

Happy Home, 2 1/2 x 4.

Home Brand, Griggs, Cooper & Co., St. Paul, Minn., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Hoody’s, 1 pound, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

Hoppingtot Brand, Wentworth Corporon Co., Haverhill, Mass., pail, 3 x 4.


4 lb. Jack & Jill peanut butter tin.

Jackie Coogan, pail, “stir in oil before using”, 3 1/2 x 3.

Jackie Coogan, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3.

Jackie Coogan, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3, different than one above.

Jack Sprat, 12 x 9.

Jack Sprat, pail, 3 x 4.

12 ounce Jumbo Peanut Butter tin from the 1920s. Distributed by the Frank Teaand Spice Company, Cincinnati, OH. Miniature pail with wire handle.

Jumbo, The Frank Tea & Spice Co., Cincinnati, O., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 31/2.

Kamo, Paxton & Gallagher Co., Omaha, Neb., 3 x 3 1/2.

Kibbe’s, Kibbe Bros. Co., Springfield, Mass., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Kidd’s, Kidd & Co., Chicago, pail, 3 x 3.

King’s, John King Peanut Co., Inc., Suffolk, Va., 1 lb., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Larkin, Larkin Co., Inc., (Larkin Economy Store), Buffalo, N.Y., pail w/sliplid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Light House, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

Liner, John Blaul’s Sons & Co., Burlington & Cedar Rapids, IA., pail, 3x 4.

Louis, The Williamson, Halsell, Frasier Company, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

One pound Luncheon Brand Peanut Butter Tin. Alameda, California Co

3lb. Luncheon peanut butter pail from Alameda, Calif. Bail handle, Height5.5″.

MacLaren’s, MacLaren Wright Limited, Toronto &Montreal, Canada, pail w/slip lid,12 ounce, 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2. It is apale yellow. On front it states “Children Love It. My! But it is good.”

Maple Leaf, Riley-Wilson Grocer Co., Kansas City, U.S.A., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

Marwin, Marwin Products Co., Ohio, 3 x 3.

MaxiCobb, The Donald Company, Grand Island, Nebr, 1lb., 3 x 3 1/2.

Max-I-Mum, 3 x 4.

McColls Golden Rock, 60’s or earlier all English writing , from VancouverCanada.

“Meadow Sweet” Peanut Butter Tin Pail with lid and handles, 31/2″ H x 3 3/4″ diameter lid x 3 3/8″ base.

Monadnock, The Hlbrook Grocery Co., Keene, N.H., pail w/slip lid, 1 lb., 3 x 31/2.

Monarch Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter Tin. This series of tins featured the TeenieWeenie’s. Teenie Weenie’s were featured in a series of books back in the 20’s and used asadvertising for Monarch, dated R.M.& Co. 1926, measuring 3.75″ tall (plus bail) x3.5″ diameter.

Monarch, Reid, Murdoch & Co., est. 1853, Chicago, 1 lb., 3 x 4.

Monopole, Wadhams & Kerr Bros., Portland, Oregon, 1 lb., pail w/slip lid, 3x 4.

Morris (Supreme), Morris & Company, Chicago, 1 lb., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Mosemann’s, Mosemann Co., Lancaster, Pa., 1 lb., pail, 4 x 2 1/2.

Mosemann’s, Mosemann Co., Lancaster, Pa., 16 ounces, pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Nash’s, Nash Coffee Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 12 ounce, “cup”, 2 1/2 x3.

N. J. C. Peanut Butter Tin. 4 inches high and 3 1/2 inches across.

NIAGARA DOLD PEANUT BUTTER TIN, measures 3 1/2″ high x 3 1/2″ wide,pail w/slip lid, the front of tin says NIAGARA DOLD (with quality written across it)PEANUT BUTTER PACKED FOR JACOB DOLD PACKING CO., BUFFALO, NY. The back has 3 little girlsplaying and a duck after something in one of the girl’s hands and the other side is of 3little boys playing and some kind of animal. There is a cat on one of the little boy’shead that is cleaning his paws and the little boy is holding a plate. The bottom is markedCANCO.

Niagara, Jacob Dold Packing Co., 1 lb., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

None-Such Peanut Butter distributed by Durand-McNeil-Horner Co.,Chicago and wasmade by Continental Can Co. Chicago. It held 14oz. of peanut butter and measures 3 and1/8″ high and is 3.5″ in diameter.

Norva, Old Dominion Peanut Corporation, Norfolk, Va., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

O! Boy, Stone-Ordean-Wells Company, Duluth, Mn., 2 lb., pail, 3 x 4.

Old City, 15 oz., pail, 3 1/4 x 3 1/4.

Old Reliable Peanut Butter Tin, Old Reliable Peanut Co., Suffolk, Va., 1 lb can.The tin is approx 3 1/2″ tall and 3 3/4″ across (or 3 x 3 1/2).

ONTARIO Brand Peanut Butter tin. It is a one pound size. OswegoCandy Works, Inc., Oswego, NY. Circa 1920-30s. This is a gold tin withblack lettering and a bail handle.This tin was made by the Canco Co. which is marked onthe bottom. pail, 3 x 4.

OX HEART (Long’s) BRAND PEANUT BUTTER TIN 3 1/2 inches high and 3 3/4 inchesacross. 1# pail has the same great graphics on front and back. Graphicsdepict a heart-shaped apple on a branch. Distributed by Oswego Candy Works, Inc. ofOswego, N.Y.

OZ, 8 x 4.

PAL peanut butter was packaged in a colorful 5 pound tin pail. This containerhas the vibrant red, blue and green stripes and letters with a white background. It has awhite tin lid and metal handle.

One pound peanut butter tin for Pallas Peanut Butter . Ridenour Baker GroceryCo., Kansas City, Mo. Has picture on both sides of a soldier in headdress that looksRoman. Pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Palmetto, P. Duff & Sons, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 lb., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Palmetto, P. Duff & Sons, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 lb., pail, 3 x 4.

Parrot, The Westport Co., LTD., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, pail w/press lid, 13oz., 3 1/2 x 3 1/4.

5 Lb. peanut butter tin depicting the “PEANUT KIDS” manufactured byProducers Peanut Co. of Suffolk, Va. Peanut Kids tin is from the 50s.

Pet, 14 ounce, pail, 3 x 4.

PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER (KEY) TIN, a 1lb. 12oz. tin thatmeasures 4-3/4″high x 4″wide.

Peter Pan, Derby’s, “vacuum Packed”, 2 x 4.

Peter Pan, E.K. Pond, Chicago, 10 oz., 1 1/2 x 2.

Derby’s Peter Pan sample peanut butter tin. It measures:2 1/4″ high x 1 3/4 across. Screwtype lid.

2 lb. Peter Pan Peanut butter tin by Derby Foods, Inc.Chicago

Peter Rabbit was manufactured by The Newton Tea & Coffee Co. inCincinnati,Ohio. The can was mfg. by Tindeco Co. in Baltimore ,Md., tin shows PetterRabbit his family and some frogs around the can, 2 1/2″ X 4 1/2″ X 2 1/2″.

Peter Rabbit, The Newton Tea & Coffee Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1lb., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Peter Rabbit, Kelly Confection Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., 2 x 4.

A 6 pound Planters Peanut Creamy Peanut Butter Tin from the Standard Brand era.Paper label.

Rare 2 lbs Canadian Peanut Butter tin c. 1950’s approx. 43/4 inches high. This is a very hard tin to come by. It says on the tin manufactured byPlanters Nut and Chocolate Company, Limited – Toronto, Canada. The graphics on this tinshows a boy eating a peanut butter sandwich and it also shows crackers and peanut butteron one dish and peanut sandwiches on another dish with Mr. Peanut standing on the rightside.

Premier, Francis H. Leggett & Co., New York, pail, 3 x 4.

Punch, 1lb., 2 x 3 1/2.

Red Robin (Tom’s), Tom Huston Peanut Co., Columbus, Ga., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Red Seal Brand Peanut Butter, by the Newton Tea and Spice Co. Cincinnati O.,a 7 oz. 3″ high, advertising on both sides of pail. Bottom has”CANCO” embossed.

Red and White, Serv-Us Grocery Products Corporation, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Rival, 1 lb., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Roof Garden, J.G. McDonald Chocolate Co., Dalt Lake City, Ut., pail. 3 x 3 1/2.

Santa Fe, The Ranney Davis Mercantile Co., 2 1/2 x 4.

The best of  both worlds-eat the peanut butter and have a sand pail toplay with afterwards! This tin is 6 1/8″ tall- Schindler’s Peanut Butter Products,Inc. Baltimore, MD – 5lbs.

(Dated 1928) “School Boy” peanut butter can. It measures about 31/2″ high and about 3″ across.

School Boy, 2 pound tin w/bail handle. Stands almost 5″tall. Mfg by Rogers Company, Seattle, Washington. ‘If oil forms on top – mix well beforeserving’ on back side.

School Boy, The Rogers Company, Seattle & Tacoma, 2 1/2 x 4.

School Boy, The Rogers Company, Seattle & Tacoma, pail, 2 1/2 x 4.

School Days, United Fig & Date Co., Chicago & New York, U.S.A., pailw/slip lid, 3 x 4.

Blue turquoise tin, Schwartz Peanut Butter, 4 pounds net, made by: W.H. Schwartz& Sons,  Halifax, Montreal, on the back you have two children playing on thebeach, with shovels and pails with a background of sailing boats, sea, and seagulls,6″ht.

Schwartz peanut butter. Made by W.H. Schwartz & Sons, Montreal and Halifax.Tin is shaped as a sand pail. Tin is 5″ high. Back of the tin depicts childrenplaying on the beach.

Shedd’s Peanut Butter Tin is bright yellow and red. Features a little elf onboth sides of the label. There is a swing handle and an H in a circle on the bottom.Measures 6 1/4″ tall and 6″ across.

5 pound pail style “Shedd’s Peanut Butter” advertising tin, withcorrect lid marked: Shedd-Bartush Foods Inc, Detroit, Michigan

Shurfine, 5 lb, pail w/slip lid.

Silver Buckle, E.R. Godfrey & Sons, Co., Milw., Wi., 3 x 3 1/2.

Skippy , 3 x 3.


SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER, 13oz tin, by the Squirrel Brand Co. in Cambridge, Ma.

Squirrel, 3 x 4.

Squirrel, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3.

Squirrel, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4, 1 lb., Squirrel Brand Co., Cambridge, Mass.

Squirrel, three stacking cans, 48, 27, and 13 ounces, Canada Nut Company, LTD,Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Squirrel, 34 ounces, pail w/slip lid, 4 1/4 x 4 1/2, orange background.

Squirrel, pail w/slip lid, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2, gold background.

Squirrel, tin, 15 pound, gold background, press lid, 8 1/4 x 8 1/4.

50 lb Star Maid Peanut Butter Tin. It stands 12″ tall and is 12 1/2″round. It has handles on each side. This Peanut Butter tin came from the Brundage Bros.Co. Toledo, Ohio.

From 1920’s. 3 x 3 1/2, pail w/slip lid (missing in pic),. St. Laurents CreamBrand, Bay City, Michigan.

SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER tin is a one pound pail with handle and top. It is amidnight blue color and has graphics of a dog chasing rabbits. It is packed by the QuakerMaid Co. , Inc. of New York and Terre Haute, Ind., 3 x 4.

One Pound Sultana Peanut Butter Tin  pailfrom the A&P (The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company), New York. Measures 4″tall, 3 3/4″ dia. at top.

Sunny Boy, The Brundage Brothers Co., Toledo, Oh., 16 oz., pail w/slip lid, 3 x3 1/2.

SUNNY JIM Peanut Butter Tin 2# 4oz, It measures 5 1/2″ tall and has a4″ diameter.

Sunny Jim Peanut Butter Tin, a 6 lb. 14 oz. peanut butter tin from Pacific FoodProducts Co., Seattle, Washington. This 2 sided tin features a “peanutcharacter” and a picture of Sunny Jim.

SUNNY JIM PEANUT BUTTER ADVERTISING 36 OZ. TIN. This is from Pacific FoodProducts, Seattle, Washington. The old Sunny Jim Building burned down a few years ago inthe downtown Seattle Area. This Sunny Jim Tin has a vinyl white top with the Sunny JimLogo(with face) imprinted on it as well as “36 oz.” The tin is very bright, hassome scratches but not anything that distracts from the piece. Vinyl top has one crack inside, still fits tight onto tin. Tin does have a bar code on side of it. Some tarnishinginside and along bottom, no rust. Measures about 5.5″ tall.

Sweet Girl, pail, 2 1/2 x 4.

Swift’s Wizard Of Oz peanut butter tin. The tin stands 5″ tall and 4″in diameter and contained 2 lbs.2 oz. of peanut butter.

Taylor’s Homemade, A.E. Taylor, Cainsville, Ontario, Canada, 1 pound, pailw/slip lid, 3 1/4 x 3 1/2.

TEDDIE Peanut Butter Tin, can with bail is of the 5 pound size. measures 61/4″ tall with widths of 5″ across bottom and a bit under 6″ across top. Ithas a raised H in a circle on the underside, Under the word TEDDIE in small lettering iswritten J.W.L. Co. 1956.

Teddie, John W. Leawitt Co., Boston, Mass., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Teddy Bear, Winnipeg, Canada, pail, 2 1/2 x 4.

Teddy Bear, Winnipeg, Canada, pail, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2.

3 Meals Peanut Butter Tin 11″ Tall

Three Little Pigs Peanut Butter Pail, It is 2 7/8″ high and has it’soriginal bail handle. The scenes around it are “This little pig went to market, thisl.p. stayed home, this l.p. had roast beef, this l.p. had none and this l.p. cried wee weeall the way home. The mark on the bottom is CANCO and on the very edge the tin is markedA.C.Co. 54A-7-16.



Triangle Club, one pound, 3 x 4.

Tropical, Robb-Ross Company, Sioux City, Iowa, 1 lb., pail w/slip lid, 3 1/2 x 41/2.

Try Me, Walter J. Hirsch Company, Chicago U.S.A., pail, 3 x 3.

Try-Me, Walter J. Hirsch Company, Chicago U.S.A., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Upton’s, The T. Upton Co., Inc., Hamilton, Canada, pail, 3 x 4.


3 3/8″ dia. x 2 7/8″ tall Armour’s Veribest Peanut Butter ….can fromthe Continental Can Co. Chicago

12 ounce Armour’s Veribest Peanut Butter tin. Colorfull litho surrounding thistin shows classic nursery rhymes: Jack over the Candlestick, cow over the moon plate runswith the spoon, little Bo peep, Jack horner in the corner, others.

Veteran Brand, Brewster, Gordon & Co., Rochester, N.Y., 1 pound, pail w/sliplid, 3 x 3 1/2.

Virginia’s Pride, Virginia Nut & Candy Co., Inc., Suffolk, Va., 1 pound, 3 x3 1/2.

Wapello Chief, J.G. Hutchison & Co., Ottumwa, Wappello Co., Iowa, pailw/slip lid, 3 x 4.

Wellman Foods, 3 x 4, 1 lb.

White Swan, pail w/slip lid, 3 x 4.

White Swan, White Swan Spices & Cereals Ltd, Toronto, Canada,red/white/blue, 13 ounces, pail, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2.

Wigwam, Carpenter Cook Co., Menominee, Ishpeming, Iron Mountain, Michigan, pail,3 x 4.

Wilson’s, Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A., pail w/slip lid, 12 ounces, 3x 3 1/2.

Wizard of Oz Peanut butter tin. Tin was made by CANCO.

Yankee, E.K. pond, Co., Chicago, 12 oz., pail, 3 x 3 1/2.

Yellowstone, Paxton & Gallagher Co., Omaha, Neb., pail w/slip lid, 3 x 31/2.

Yorkshire Farm, John Morrell & Co., Ottumwa, Iowa, pail, 3 x 3 1/2.