Potawatomi Area Council:Pre-History
compiled and edited by Michael R. Reilly, May17, 2003
updated 05/19/2005
Early Waukesha County Boy Scout History
Note: This history isn’t an attempt to include all of Waukesha County’s manytroops and packs, nor those of the Potawatomi Area Council outside of Waukesha.It’s more of an attempt to show how scouting eventually evolved in theSussex-Lisbon area, thanks to the early efforts of many individuals from othertowns, villages, and cities (though as you read on, it looks very muck like it).At times, the word Potawatomi was also spelled”Potowatomi”. Also see: Scouting: Lannon and, Scouting: Sussex-Lisbon Area
Mike Reilly
Early National History of Boy Scouting
Boy Scouts of America was incorporated on February 8,1910; On June 21, a group of 34 national representatives of boys’ work agencies met, developed organization plans, and opened a temporary national headquarters in a YMCA office in New York.
The National Council office was established at 200 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y., on January 2, 1911, with seven employees. The first annual meeting was held at the White House, Washington, D.C., and was addressed by President Taft. The Scout Oath, Law, badges, and fundamental policies were adopted. The first awards for heroism were presented by the National Court of Honor. Membership to date, Scouts and Scouters, 61,495.
1912 – By now Scouts were enrolled in every state. Scouts mobilized for the first of a series of national civic Good Turns, including the promotion of a safe and sane Fourth of July. Other community Good Turns began. Sea Scouting for older Scouts was started. Boys’ Life was purchased to become an official BSA magazine. Membership during the year, Scouts and Scouters, 97,495. Total members to date, 126,860.
1913 – The first local council charters were issued to first-class and second-class councils. Local supervision was facilitated by dividing the United States into eight districts-the forerunner of *12 regions. Scouting, the official magazine for Scouters, was started. Boy Scout Week was observed. A registration plan for Scouts was adopted. Scouts demonstrated the motto ”Be Prepared” in first aid during spring floods in Ohio and Indiana. Membership during the year, 115,364. Total members to date, 188,964.
Sohow do people in Waukesha county find out about scouting’s earliest localhistory?
For the Boy Scouts, theearliest information we have dates to 1913 newspaper articles. The first onebelow was originally printed in the Oconomowoc Enterprise, and reprintedin the Waukesha Freeman.
For starters, if earlyissues, 1910 thru 1931 (and later), of the Oconomowoc Enterprise exist onmicrofilm, they might provide insight into county happenings. The WaukeshaFreeman early editions can be found on microfilm at the Waukesha CountyPublic Library; or, if one has an Ancestry.com account with access to certaindigitized newspapers , like the Waukesha Freeman, and a high speed link(makes it much easier to research because of dial-up slow download speeds), somerecords can be accessed.
Many of the first scouttroops were organized and sustained by church groups. Church council records orsimilar documents could provide information. Local newspapers which don’t existtoday, may have existence yet on microfilm at local libraries. For areas such asSussex-Lisbon, and Lannon, etc., additional information could be found inthe Menomonee Falls News microfilm files at the Maude Shunk PublicLibrary in Menomonee Falls. Starting in 1976, the Sussex Sun, availablein bound volumes at the Pauline Haass Public Library in Sussex, has scoutinginformation.
Don’t discount theimportance of neighboring community newspapers – Janesville, for instance;Waukesha troops were aligned with them in the late 1920’s. Waukesha countryscout troops probably conducted programs at Watertown (Jefferson and Dodgecounties) and other communities outside of Waukesha area – Milwaukee, Appleton,Green Bay, Madison, and Chicago are all areas whose newspapers or scoutinghistories may provide additional clues and information about our own localtroops.
Family local histories andphotos of grandfathers, fathers, and other male relatives (for Girl Scouts andCamp fire Girls – your grandmothers, and mothers, etc.) could shed light. Do anyuniforms, scouting materials – uniforms, books, knives, medals, badges, exist insomeone’s dresser drawers or trunk? Some of the earliest uniforms worn were oldmilitary clothing – take another look at those WWI uniforms you have stored awayfor traces of scouting insignias.
The Waukesha Y. M. C. A.supported early scouting, perhaps records exist? The local municipal and schoolboard records of a city, village or town from the time period 1910 – 1940 couldbe treasure. Local historical societies and/or local historians may haveinformation. School P. T. A. minutes and student published papers and yearbooksmay have information.
The Menomonee Falls Troop17 was sponsored by the Menomonee Falls Rotary Club founded in 1928; additional informationmight be found in the records/minutes of those early sponsoring groups.
Lastly, but maybe mostimportant, would be the Boy Scout National records and those possibly found inthe Districts, later Regional office archives (if they exist). A Chicago FieldExecutive often traveled to Waukesha County, providing assistance. Region Sevenincluded the states of Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois.
Potawatomi Council recordsat the Harkrider Service Center are accessible, if you have the Troop number,unlike the Milwaukee Council that I could call and access my personal 1960’srecords of scouting activities. Plus, troop numbers may have been used by morethan locale, or used more than once for a village or town, in the case where atroop was resurrected after a lapse in membership, and temporary dissolution ofthe troop occurred. So don’t be misled if you’re looking for a Troop 1 forWaukesha and at first find records for a Troop 1 of Eagle.
Mike Reilly
Oconomowoc Enterprise – A branch of the Boy Scouts of America has beenorganized in Oconomowoc. Bernie Regula is scout master and Ernest Barker,assistant. Harold Behrend is Eagle patrol leader; Leonard Grokosky, leader ofthe Badger patrol; Jack Mann, leader of the Black Bear patrol, and Arthur Rhodee,patrol leader of the Score patrol. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March13, 1913, page 7.
May 22, 1913 – An organization which is to sustain theboy scout movement in this city was perfected at a meeting held Saturdayevening. H. Kirk White was elected president, A. C. Hathaway, vice president; O.R. Eddy, secretary; Paul R. McKee, treasurer; and Forest R. Poe, scoutcommissioner. Bernie Regula is scout master and Ernest Barker, assistant. Thelocal organization is to be known as the Oconomowoc Council of BoyScouts. Thecouncil, which is to govern, is composed of ten adult members and the object isto promote the boy scout movement in Oconomowoc and vicinity. The boys living inthe country are eligible to join the scouts and participate in the helpfulstunts with the boys from town. It is expected that headquarters will beprocured and every possible effort put forth for their welfare.
November 13, 1913, page 4 – Mentions Y. M. C. A. (Waukesha county)policy of – Recreation and health 2. co-operation with all existingorganizations, as churches, Sunday schools, day schools, clubs, Boy Scouts,etc., in the promotion of field meets, camps, etc.
Hartland – The Boy Scouts of America were organized in the school houseMonday afternoon by A. M. Heedrick, special Field Scout Commissioner, B. S. o,A. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March 5, 1914, page 7
Merton – Between twenty-five and thirty boy scouts are at Lake Keesus underthe escort of Stuart Walsch of Chicago. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, July2, 1914, page 5
Dodge’s Corners – Mrs. Snover and her boy scouts from Chicago, and heradopted son, Charles, came down the track last Thursday and had a boy scoutdinner in the woods. They called at the Hollister home on their “hike”back homeward. May 6, 1915, page 6.
Waukesha Freeman, May 20, 1915, boy scouts and campfire girlsmentioned as to attending Memorial day observations.
May 27, 1915 – local (Waukesha) boy scouts
June 3, 1915 – Boys Scouts from Waukesha and Oconomowoc in Delafield parade.
Master Films At Colonial
Two Latest Mutual Productions Here Fridayand Thursday
The two latest Mutual masterpicture photoplays will be shownat the Colonial Friday of this week and Tuesday of next. On Friday”Strathmore”, a 4-reel play featuring Charles Clary, will be the bill.
Tuesday at the benefit for the Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls,”The Lure of the Mask,” in four parts, will be shown. This is a dramaof romantic adventure, with much mystery and unusually handsome pictured scenes.Waukesha Freeman,June 14, 1915
Boy Scouts Camp
Waukesha Lads Having “Jolliest Ever” Week atNemahbin Lake
On Friday morning, June 25, part of Troops 1and 2 , Waukesha Boy Scouts, left for a week’s camping trip on lower Nemahbinlake. J. F. Brandenburg, scoutmaster, was in charge.
The boys had planned to march to the camping ground butthrough the liberality of many of the car owners of the city, they were takenout in autos. Dr. McFarlane, Dr. Fuirath, Messrs. Albert Love, H. M. Youmans, H.F. Stock and G. F. Belknap each took a load of Scouts and provisions.
The first day was spent mostly in establishing a camp, with alittle plunge in the lake to break the monotony, and the first night was chieflydevoted to adjusting their beds and trying to keep the other fellow awake. Someof the boys were up very early Saturday morning and went fishing beforebreakfast. One of them was fortunate enough to catch a 2-pound pickerel. Theregular program was followed for the day.
There were about forty visitors at the camp on Sunday,parents of the boys and many others, interested in the Scout movement. Manydonations of provisions and dainties were received, which were very muchappreciated.
The fathers of the boys furnished the camping ground and theboys, twenty in all, were assessed $1.50 each for provisions. They will stayuntil their provisions run out and will break camp about Friday.
Tuesday evening all the boys were reported having a good timeand acquiring satisfactory coats of tan and sunburn. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, July 1, 1915, page 4.
Pigs Raid Boys’ Camp
Waterford Scouts Lose Rations and Supplies by Drove in Absence
Pigs is pigs at Wind Lake, and you can prove it by the Waterford boy scouts who were in camp there last week. One day while the boyswere enjoying a swim in the lake and the camp was left alone, a drove of hogsmade a raid on their tent and ate or destroyed all their provisions. The boyshad to go to Waterford the same evening for another supply. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, July 29, 1915, page 4
Merton – Thirteen Boy Scouts from East Milwaukee spent Saturday and Sunday atthe Boys’ Busy Life club, Lake Keesus. Sunday morning they attended services atthe Baptist church. In the afternoon, they “hiked” to Holy Hill. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, April 12, 1917
Mukwonago – The Boy Scouts recently organized here under the direction ofProfessor Johnson and Mr. Gerity have rented a large garden and are deep in themysteries of agriculture. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, May 24, 1917, page4.
Waukesha scouts seek financial backing to buy seeds and to pay for plowing ofgardens. Scout Master Wm. J. Gilham. Note: Very hard to readarticle. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, May 24, 1917, page 6.
Dousman Index – The Boy Scouts are building a cabin on the island inLarkin lake. This is part of the equipment for the community work of Ottawa No.1 and Dousman churches. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, October 14, 1917,page 7.
Local Boy Scouts participate in Liberty Bond parade. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, October 18, 1917, page 1.
Boy Scouts’ “Treasure House”
Island and Cabin Named and Dedicated Out in Ottawa
Dousman Index -The dedication of the cabin on the island in Weyker’s Lake was a unique and apretty affair. A boat and a scow belonging to the Boy Scouts afforded means oftransportation to and from the island.
The cabin is 16 feet by 16 built from a house of one of theearly settlers on the present H. and H. Lurvey farm. Rev. Morgan, Rev.Williamson, Harry and Harvey Lurvey drew the plans and erected the building. Thelarge open fire-place and rustic furniture are some of the cozy attractions ofthe interior. The island and the cabin is to be used largely as an outing placefor the Boy Scouts and other community outdoor sports.
The lake was named Scout lake having in the past assumedseveral names as Larkin’s Lake, Dodmead’s, Weyker’s, etc., the island – SpiritIsle; the Cabin – Treasure House; the path ascending the eastern slope, Sun riseTrail; the one on the west . Sun Set Trail.
The island is less than an acre in area, but rises abruptlyto a considerable height and is covered with a luxuriant growth of vegetation.Many plants are not found elsewhere in this locality. The trees are oaks,cedars, basswood, elm and iron wood. The mostinteresting shrubs are the high bush cranberry and the evergreen.
The island was told by the first white settlers, was used asa burying ground by the Indians. They buried their dead on scaffolds. Inbuilding the foundation for the cabin, parts of two different Indian skeletonswere found in the surface of the earth. The first settlers came after the redcedar on this island to kindle their fires. The mammoth cedar stumps stillremain. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 15, 1917, page 7
Boy Scout Benefit – On Friday evening, at the Auditorium (Milwaukee?), a benefit for the BoyScouts will be given to enable members to start a bank account. This money willbe used to buy things to make the organization more useful and give the boys abetter time. The boys have show their willingness at all times to help in anyway they can, things going on in the city, and it is now hoped that the peoplewill make their benefit a success. Margarita Fischer, in “The Girl WhoCouldn’t Grow up,”, will be the attraction and the prices will be 15 centsand 10 cents. We hope every body will take this opportunity to help. (forWaukesha or Milwaukee Scouts ?) Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, December 13,1917, page 5.
Book drive, Scouts in Waukesha active; Boy Scout George Love, receivedhonorable mention for bringing in about 250 books alone. He was awarded firstprize, “Private Peat”, presented by the library, and Richard Breese,second prize, “Over the Top”, presented by Mr. Gilham. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, April 4, 1918, page 2.
Pewaukee – Walter Roloff, Milwaukee, gave a very interesting talk to the BoyScouts at the Hotel Savoy Saturday evening. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday,April 26, 1918, page 5
Pewaukee – Boy scouts have been in camp on the Island (the same Island inDousman area or?), the past week. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, May 30, 1918, page 5.
Pewaukee – as the growth of weeds in the lake is unusually heavy this summer,the Village Board has been requested to appropriatefunds to have the growth removed. The Boy Scouts have been active in pulling theweeds from the water, as the vegetation floats to the shores and have thushelped in keeping the shores clean. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, August 1,1918, page 8
Vernon Centre – The Holstein meet held Thursday at the home of G. J.Schuster, Riverview farms, was very largely attended. A Red Cross lunch wasserved by the Boy Scouts. A good program including music, helped to make the dayan enjoyable one for all present. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, August 22,1918, page 4.
A Great Camp Fire (an excerpt from original article)
On Tuesday evening, June 17, the great campfire of the G. A. R. will be held – with addresses by the national commander andother prominent G. A. R. men.
Boy Scouts Right There
Boy Scouts will get in line for the encampment. Scout MasterCooley says he has 120 boys enrolled of which fifty are on the honor roll. Theseboys will meet trains, direct delegates, carry luggage and assist in everypossible way. No man or woman need fear to come because of infirmity. The boyswill be right there to help. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, May 8, 1919,page 4.
Reaching the Boys of An Entire Community
What Shall it Profit a Community if it Gainthe Whole World – And Lose its Own Boys
Boys of to-day are the men of tomorrow. Can this countryafford not to give attention to its boys? Your answer is a decided,”No”. You said “no” for your boy as well as for other boys.
There are boys in Waukesha county, 4000 boys between the agesof 12 and 19 years. Of this number only 400, approximately, are members of theBoy Scouts.
Do you ask why they should be in Scout organizations? Yourboy needs the give and take relations of group society. He needs to be withother boys like himself in order to know himself and his companions better.
Yet the fact that there are so few Scouts is not solely thefault of the boys or the boy’s parents. They are eager. There is a great dearthof clean, stalwart leadership. Boys need the wholesome influence and directionof a “bigger boy” in their group association to show them the way to virilemanhood. Scout law calls for such a leader for every thirty-two boys.
Waukesha county must furnish the needed scout masters for herboys. The drive is on. Will everybody volunteer to help in this drive forleaders?
Leaders, your experience with young manhood will be aninvaluable and delightful experience to you. Your work can be done in your sparehours. You need a cross country hike now and then, and you need to study Natureand to give of your influence and self to younger folks,
For further particulars and information, call or phone to theY. M. C. A. offices, above Farmers State Bank building. Phone 1199. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, June 5, 1919, page 3. (Editor’s note -The article above could be considered a newspaper advertisement.)
Zolar Gives Generous Lift To Boy Scouts
Emanuel Zolar, who has operated an open-aircanteen at the Cutler Park corner during the summer, contributed the profits ofthe canteen, for a stated period, to the fund being raised by the Boy Scouts toequip their headquarters. As a result the fund is swelled by $40.30, which thelads appreciate greatly. Zolar is a returned Thirty-second division man. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, September 11, 1919, page 8.
?. G. Schmidt and L. G. Gehlert attended a BoyScout banquet in Waukesha Tuesday evening. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday,Sept 25, 1919, page 7
News-Boys Had One Fine Time
Newsboys of the city had one great time atthe banquet given in their honor
About 100 boys were present and here are someof the things they ate: 500 sandwiches, 15 gallons of milk, 5 gallonsbeans, three baskets full of doughnuts, and then, according to Scout MasterHarry E, Bilanski, “they hollered for more.”,,,
The plan is to have some affair of this kind every month. Theaim of the newsboys is; according to Scout Master Bilanski: cleaner habits,better school attendance and school standing, better service to the public,cleaner dress and more co-operation. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November13, 1919, page 1.
Boy Scouts F. B. Champions
Another foot ball championship came home toroost in Waukesha last Saturday when the Waukesha Boy Scouts won 55 to 11 fromthe Milwaukee champion Boy Scouts, the game taking place on Frame Field.
This makes our boys champions in their class for southernWisconsin. they have played seven games and won them all, two with Mukwonago,two with Pewaukee, one with Dousman, one with Phantom Athletic club and one withMilwaukee.
Membership of the team is:
La Verne Larson, Capt.
Steve Terwilliger
Paul Martin
Ed Hoffman
Phillip Kano
Jack Blazing
Royal Mevis
Verne Mason
Lester Hoffman
Forrest Weinkauf
Harry Dobrick
Delbert Stacy
Harold Frantz
Delbert Frantz
Harold Larson
John Sylvester
John Williams
Harry E. Bilansky, Coach
Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 26, 1919, page 4.
Menomonee Falls – On Thanksgiving Day the Menomonee Falls Boy Scouts play(football?) Lannon at the Whittaker property on East Ave. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, November 26, 1919, page 5.
Menomonee Falls – The high school literacy society had their regular meeting on Fridayafternoon at 2 o’clock. The program given by the Boy Scouts was as follows:story of the Boy Scouts, Joe Brazy; First Aid, J. Russell Perrin;Signs & Symbols, Edwin Klohn. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, December25, 1919
Boy Scouts to Meet Friday Night
Tomorrow (Friday) evening there will be a BoyScout mass meeting at the Stock Pavilion in connection with the committeemen, atwhich time plans will be outlined for the activities of 1920. A national FieldScout Commissioner will be in attendance and will give an address and aid in thebusiness of the meeting.
Later: – Deputy National Field Scout Commissioner C. K. Wardof Chicago will be present and will speak on the subject of ” What the BoyScout Movement Means to the Boy and the Community”.
County Executive Bilanski urges all the Boy Scouts and theirfathers and other who may be interested to be present Friday evening at 7o’clock. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, January 1, 1920, page 4.
Boy Scouts Meet Crisis
Some Unfortunate Complications are Prevailing
Hopes They Will Be Untangled
Opinions Differ as to the Best Means of Promoting the Movement
The Boy Scout organization in Waukeshaand the whole county is going through a crises that bids fair to make or breakit.
The troops through the county, about a dozen , including a flourishingone at Oconomowoc and half a dozen in Waukesha, had come to the point last fallwhere it was thought possible to organize a first class council, that is, onewith a paid full time scout executive, a sort of secretary. Up to this time theorganization in the county has been in affiliation with the county Y. M. C. A.But as ???? as it was proposed to organize a number of new troops, the questionof the advisability of having the Y. M. C. A. connected with it was brought moresharply to the fore by the suggestion of Scout Master Harry Bilansky that troopsbe organized in the various churches. This idea was predominant at the OlderBoys meeting at Sheboygan last fall. At the same time, the idea appeared to beto continue the connection with the Y. M. C. A.
The plan does not arouse the slightest enthusiasm among theCatholic and Lutheran parishes of the county, the attitude of the Y. M. C. A.toward these two branches of the church not being markedly cordial.
At the same time, leaders of smaller congregations andparishes of other churches voiced their disapproval — the plan would put theiryoungsters in troops run by some other religious organization or leave them outin the cold.
At the meeting last week at which the various proposals werediscussed, these points were brought out by Secretary George Girling, and he wasmade chairman of a committee to represent each of the places where a troop isnow established, and each of the churches and other organizations that took partin the first conference. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, Feb 5, 1920
Mr. Girling states his position as entirelyopposed to the idea of making the troops part of any closed organization such aschurches. It is his idea that the scouts should be as much national in plan asthe army, and be open to every citizen’s children as the public schools. Hebelieves any hint of sectarianism or church proselytism should be jealouslybarred from the organization as from the public schools – that it should be a correctiveof sectarian and other exclusiveness, working for fellowship of the children inthe patriotic sense of their Americanism and their patriotism, and duty ofservice for the community, rather than for the cause of any part of thecommunity.
Mr. Girling had nearly completed his committee this week, andintended to call a meeting within a few days to discuss what methods should befollowed.
Meantime, Secretary O. H. Cooley of the county Y. M. C.A., who professes to be desirous of seeing troops succeed in getting a countyorganization, has been conducting a drive for funds for the county Y. M.C. A. this week, aided by a Mr. Brandenberg of Milwaukee.
The Oconomowoc scouts, which have been very successful, havenot been in affiliation with the Y. M. C. A. Waukesha Freeman,February 5, 1920
Boy Scout Local Work
Well Known Clergyman DiscussesSituation
Discord is Not Pronounced
Deprecates Statement Indicating Thereare ant Serious Differences
Editor of the Waukesha Freeman -Waukesha, Wisconsin
Dear Sir:
I am presuming upon you for a few lines of space in yourvaluable paper in order to refer to the article on the Boy Scout Movement inlast week’s Freeman.
The Boy Scout Movement now operating for ten years inAmerica, has achieved an amazing amount of excellent work among boys and hasplayed a very important part in preparing strong and quick young men, mentally,morally and physically, for the war recently ended. Boy Scouts in Waukesha areeasily distinguished by their manly bearings, their kindness to those weakerthan themselves and their finecourtesy. Obviously,anything to injure this Free School in man making, would prove very injurious tothe fine lads who are to be the leaders of the future Waukesha.
It seems to me, Mr. Editor, that undue emphasis has beengiven to our local situation in the article referred to above. There is a driftof suggestion about it that would lead the reader to infer something besidesamity and fraternity as existing among the leaders of the Scout Movement in ourcity. This, I emphatically insist, is not the case. If there has been anyruption among those who have scout work most at heart in Waukesha, I have yet tohear of it. Is it therefore fair to these public spirited men or more seriousthan this, to the boys themselves, that the readers of our papers shouldconclude we are about to muster a roll call? What can do greater harm to theWaukesha boy than such a suspicion of friction?
There are policies to be settled, plans to be laid out,perhaps important changes impending, but so far as I know all of our fine men,whether Methodist or Presbyterian, Baptist or Lutheran, Y. M. C. A. or K. of C.stand shoulder to shoulder for the Boy Scout Movement of Waukesha county.
very sincerely yours.
Alfred D. Grey
Scout Master Troop 5 (Feb 12, 1920 letter to WaukeshaFreeman editor)
Boy Scouts Are Active This Week
At a meeting of a special committee Monday, comprising J.F. Kettenhofen, Oconomowoc; L. A. Thompson, M. J. McCoy and GeorgeGirling, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, this city, it was decided tocall a special meeting of citizens of the county at the Elk’s club, Feb. 16, toboost the Boy Scout movement. At Monday’s meeting it was agreed that the countyshould have a first class council. If a charter is obtained a county executivewill be installed and all matters directed from his office.
In the mean time this week the Scouts are carrying out acampaign of enlistment and improvement and boosting the national slogan of”Do a Good Turn Daily.” On Tuesday there was a parade by the Scoutsand they made a fine appearance.
At the corner of Wisconsin and Grand Avenues, a headquartersfor enlistments, etc., was erected by the Scouts, of evergreen boughs and pinepoles, and shows ingenuity on the part of the builders. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, February 12, 1920, page 1
Boy Scout Work To Go Forward
Amicable Adjustment ArrangedMonday evening
Money Will be Contributed
Estimated it Will Be Necessary toRaise From $3000 to $4000
Waukesha is to have a fist class Boy Scout executive andcouncil, independent of all other institutions, unless it is found impossible toraise the between $3000 and $4000 by subscription and the first subscriptionsMonday night gave a very hopeful look to the situation. More than a hundredrepresentative men attended the meeting that night.
As one of the speakers said toward the end of the meeting atthe Elk’s club what had seemed a charge of violent lightning in the air,dissolved to rumblings of thunder, and the sky appeared.
R. G. Morey, chairman of the county Y. M. C. A. was electedto the chair and stated the position of the Y. M. C. A. board. They were willingto aid in any way the Scout movement, and did not at all insist on beingdirectly connected with the organization They wished only the welfare ofthe scouts, and would deplore any connection that would be against the interestof the Scouts.
C. K. Warne, Chicago Scout executive, explained the movement.He said the Y. M. C. A. had done much for the Scouts, everywhere, butaffiliation was out of the question in the long run. The men who formed theconstitution of the Scouts builded better than they knew, he said, when theyeliminated all religious work from the constitution of the Scouts. The Y. M. C.A. was an institution, the Scouts a movement. The Scouts had even refused theschool board of Texas to support its work in that state, because it would not betied up in any institution. In reply to a question by the Rev. C. E. Bovardof the Presbyterian church, he said the first class executive council would inan wise affect the organization of the individual troops, whether organized inchurches or elsewhere.
Dr. Bovard suggested that the opinion of outside scoutmasterswould be useful. O. H. Cooley of the county Y. M. C. A. suggested that thesecretary of the meeting, George Girling, as chairman of the committee which hadrecommended a first class council, must have some letters from ministers atDousman, Oconomowoc and Menomonee Falls, opposing flatly any such council. The Rev.Mr. Lloyd of Hartland, who was present as a scout master, said he wasnot certain of the feeling there, but thought people rather averse to raisingany money.
The Rev. Mr. Grey then declared himself enthusiastic in thework, and willing to accept the meeting’s decision, saying the publicityregarding the controversy has been unfortunate. The Rev. Mr. Logan said thecommittee should have consulted the local scoutmasters. He was also willing toabide by the meeting’s outcome.
Judge D. W. Agnew spoke strongly against continuingany affiliation with the Y. M. C. A., Benjamin Dempsey supported the sameview.
Mr. Morey said he would subscribe a tenth of the moneyneeded, about $4,000 in all, the executive to get at least $2400. Mr. Dempseysaid he would subscribe $200.
It was then voted to organize the first class council, with seven representativemen and a representative from each Scout troop, the council to be for Waukeshaonly unless those outside wished to join it.
A. J. Hutton, Mayor Estberg, J. F. Judin,Benjamin Dempsey, O. O. Larson, R. G. Morey and R. P.Breese were named as general members. It was said six troops are alreadyformed in the city, and others ready to form.
The committee named will see to solicitation of funds, andwill consult scout committees in other towns of the county as to whether theywish to affiliate.
The council will be called Waukesha council. If later the other troops ofthe county join, as Mr. Warne said his experience showed they surely would,the council will become Waukesha County council. Troops outside wouldcontribute in the ratio of the population they serve to the council fund. Whenit becomes a county council all new troops organized must enter the movementthrough this council. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, February 19, 1920, page1
Boy Scouts of Troop No. 6 at Methodist Father and Son banquet.Barry Hayes had charge of music. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, February 26,1920, page 4.
Meno. Falls – The High School Camp Fire girls entertained the younger Camp Firegroup at Washington’s birthday party Thursday evening. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, February 26, 1920, page 4.
Meno. Falls – Last Tuesday evening, Scoutmaster W. G.Schmidt took the Boy Scouts to the Y. M. C. A., Milwaukee for a swimmingtest. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March 11, 1920, page 5.
Scout Council Waits Assurance of Funds
Mr. Logan Will Consult With C. K. Warne ofChicago as to the Next Move
The first meeting of the Boy Scouts executive council washeld Monday night at the Congregational church. Most of the Scout masters andthe committee named several weeks ago were present, the Rev. Mr. Logan and theRev. Mr. Grey delaying their departure for the important church conference atMadison to attend. The Rev. Mr. McKendry was obliged to be at Madison.
No one was able to report any progress in the establishmentof a fund to found the first class council, and it was said that C. K. Warne,the Chicago Scout executive who was present at the former meeting hadvolunteered to help in getting this fund together from throughout the county.
Accordingly to Rev. Mr. Logan was made a committee to writeto Mr. Warne and ask what had been or was to be done, and Mr. Logan was to callthe council together as soon as he had a reply, when further action was to betaken according to developments. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March 18,1920, page 1.
Boy Scout Project Moves
CommitteeMeets and Pushes Organization’
Field Executive Warne Here
Sixteen Troops in Waukesha County and All are in Good Form
Last Tuesday night C. K. Warne, National Field Executive forBoy Scouts, came to Waukesha and was present at a meeting of the Waukeshacommittee consisting of A. J. Hutton, prest., J. F. Judin, secr’y., R. G. Morsey,O. O. Larson, Ben A. Dempsey, R. P. Breese and E. R. Estberg.
At this meeting a permanent organization was secured, andbesides members of the committee there were present representatives of organizedBoy Scout troops. It was decided at the general conference to invite Oconomowoccouncil to meet with local council next week to fix upon a budget to apportion arepresentative on the council and to proceed at once to employ a man as anexecutive.
The officers at Oconomowoc are: F. R. Poe, prest, Dr. F. C.Rogers, commissioner, H. L. Kellogg, 1st V.P., T. T. Cronin, 2nd V.P., J.Flannigan, sec’y, and W. C. Kessler, treasr.
Waukesha and Oconomowoc will keep their permanentorganizations, but will unite in forming a County council, selecting theirrepresentatives from the local committees.
One or more representatives will asked from Eagle, Dousman,Mukwonago, Menomonee Falls, Pewaukee, Hartland, Sussex, Genesee, Merton andDelafield.
Scouting has organized rapidly this year and now 16 troops in this county aretaking up activities, and scout masters find that is it necessary to get supportfrom the committees.
The local committee of Waukesha will be increased from sevento twenty and the County council will have one more representative from each ofthe places above mentioned, and representation according to population inWaukesha and Oconomowoc.
It now appears that working plans have been agreed upon thatwill permit of successful activities on the part of all scout organizations inthe county. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, May 27, 1920, page 1.
Herewith we present a summary of the report for the fiscalyear of the County Y. M. C. A. ending July 1, 1920, submitted by Secretary O. H.Cooley
(Item) 8. Have organized 7 scout troops in communities outside of Waukesha thepast year. Genesee, Eagle, Merton, Delafield, Menomonee Falls, Sussex,and Hartland. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, July 1, 1920, page 5.
Oconomowoc Scouts go on long hike; some scouts listed. WaukeshaFreeman, Thursday, August 12, 1920, page 7
Waukesha Girl Scouts playing Santa and distributing to thepoor children of Waukesha. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 25, 1920,page 1.
Carroll Men Offer Services to Scouts
Plan To Resume With Twelve Waukesha Troops- Get Winter Camp
As soon as the Waukesha Y. M. C. A. building is opened by theunited churches the last steps in a reorganization of the Boy Scouts will betaken, headquarters will be established there and scout work turned overto three Carroll students, M. R. Spaulding, Melvin Hanson and H. T.Erdstom of the college Y. M. C. A., who have volunteered to look afterregistration of Scouts and resumption of general activities. Some of this workhas been done quietly in the last few weeks and Scout Commissioner O. H. Cooleyhas made application for charters for twelve troops.
Winter Camp in Vernon
There are five troops in the city now, the churches, havingmaintained these groups, and a community effort will be made to build up fromthe basis, all scoutmasters working under the general supervision of theSpaulding-Hanson-Erdstom committee.
On the farm of Lester Wright,town of Vernon, an empty residence, well located and in excellent condition, isto be available for parties of about twelve boys. The various troops on turnwill use it, hiking from the city Friday nights with bedding and food supplies.
BuildHouse of Logs
Mr. Wright has given permission for thebuilding of a log house on a tamarack marsh nearby; the construction of whichwill go forward when winter sets in, the scoutmasters directing.
Cots for the new headquarters are to come from the Phantom Lake Y. M. C. A. campand a small amount of additional equipment necessary will be furnished byfriends of the Scouts. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 25, 1920,page 6.
Menomonee Falls – The local Boy Scouts played New Butler at that place onMemorial Day and came out victorious with the score 11 to 1. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, June 9, 1921
Menomonee Falls – The local Boy Scouts will decorate the graves of thesoldiers on Memorial Day. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, May 26, 1921
The Williams-Counsell’s of this city (Waukesha) will tackle the strongMenomonee Falls Boy Scouts. The Williams-Counsell’s being claimants for thecounty 17-year-old championship must annihilate the Scouts. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, August 4, 1921
Menomonee Falls – The Advancement association held its regular monthlymeeting. It was announced that there was a deficit of $3, but the Boy Scoutsvolunteered to turn over that amount, so the committee came out o.k. Last yearthere was a surplus of $400, which was turned over to the new high school fund. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, August 18, 1921, page 3.
Body of Dead Waukesha Boy Interred Here
Parents of Lester Wright Have Instructed Government to Ship Body Home
It has been definitely decided by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wright to have the body of their son, James Lester Wright, who met death at the hands of Turkish bandits in Syria, sent to Waukesha for interment. It is not known at just what date the body will be received, but machinery has already been put in motion to the end that the body will be shipped.
In connection with the death of Mr. Wright, many Waukesha people who knew him and had worked with him, feel the loss almost as keenly as if he had been of their immediate family. Of this number is O. H. Cooley who while head of the Y. M. C. A., work here was associated with Mr. Wright in many efforts for the betterment of conditions for the growing boys of the county.
“Lester Wright was a man of whom Waukesha county may well be proud, ” said Mr. Cooley. “He was a man of highest ideals, of undaunted courage and a splendid intelligence that made it possible for him to carry out projects which his idealism suggested.
“He loved his fellow men. He was devoted to the services of humanity, and he was especially fitted for work among boys because boys were naturally attracted to him, and he knew how to hold their affection and guide them.
“Mr. Wright was trained as a Methodist minister and frequently preached throughout the county as a substitute. He did splendid work while at the Dousman Farm School for Boys and became so interested in the possibilities of this sort of work among the young, that at one time he turned over the use of one of his father’s farms, for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, who were allowed to go there on alternate Sundays, with a chaperone, spending their week-end in the country. It was his ambition to make the farm a permanent home for the Scouts, to have an athletic field where different sports could be developed and to have much nature study work.”
The Rev. Alfred D. Grey also worked with Mr. Wright on that.
Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, November 9, 1922, page3.
Football Captain Resigns Scout Head
Appleton, Wis. – Howard P. “Cub”Buck, former University of Wisconsin football captain, has resigned as executiveof Fox River Valley Boy Scout council. He will enter the automobilebusiness. His successor has not been named. Waukesha Daily Freeman, July26, 1923
Boy Scouts Go On Camping Sojourn
Troop 1 of the Boy Scouts of America, of which the Rev. A. L. Drake isscoutmaster, will be in camp at Eagle lake Thursday and Friday of this week.This is the first of the many fall activities being planned by the local BoyScouts. The troop now consists of two patrols of eight boys each but it isintended to bring the troop up to its full strength of thirty-two members. EdSeybold, who took the training at Camp Douglas this summer, has been appointedassistant scout master and will drill the troop. Waukesha Daily Freeman,Wednesday, September 5, 1923
(An article excerpt) A gift of $100,000 to the National Council of theBoy Scouts is to be used to drive out pot-boilers, dime novels, and all the massof Gead-Eye-Dick-and-his-kin cheap thrillers. The most important method usedwill be the substitution of good fiction, written by the best of Americanauthors, for the poorly written and essentially cheap hack written story. Thefirst step will be made by building “Boy’s Life” into anational publication, reaching beyond the limits of Boy Scout membership. (Note:Follow-up article in October 5, 1923 edition) Waukesha Daily Freeman,September 27, 1923 –
Boy Scouts Meet In Church Parlor
At a meeting of the Methodist Boy Scouts Thursday evening,Kingston Porter was initiated as a Second Class Scout by Scoutmaster Caldwell.The Rev. C. W. Heywood presented the pin to the candidate. The boys sat aroundthe open fireplace in the church, in which a sparkling fire was burning, andlooked over the pastor’s large collection of camp photographs, gathered duringseasons of camping with various groups of boys. Plans were made for campingexpeditions of the Boy Scouts in the summer of 1926. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, January 8, 1926, page 1.
Editor’s note – Perhaps the term “Methodist Boy Scouts” is anindication of what may have happened to the Waukesha Boy Scout council of 1920?I’m speculating that either serious lack of financial support, or a rift amongthe various troop leaders was the cause of its’ demise; not to rise from theashes again until the late 1920’s. I find it difficult to believe though, thatthe age of the prosperous Roaring Twenties led to the council’s death. Untilmore information can be uncovered…
National Forest week – {Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt of alarger Waukesha Freeman editorial article] Could anyone tell us howmany Waukesha is receiving and where are our Boy Scouts to plant them if we didget a dozen or two? Certainly no one will say that Waukesha does not need treesjust as bad as it needs an active Boy scout troop, operated under the state andnational Boy Scout council. From everything we can learn, there is an excuse ofa scout troop here affiliated with a local church. We admire the initiative ofthat body in attempting to come forward with such a movement, but it does seemunusually deplorable that this city cannot support a real scout council such asother cities have had for years and years.
The Freeman would covet the opportunity to print weekly asection of Boy Scout news, as other papers do and help boost a live organizationof red-blooded boys, formed under the well-founded principals of scout circles.We would be enthusiastic to aid in establishing a scout camp in a picturesquepart of Waukesha county, nestled snuggly near a clear-water lake where your boysand ours could go as their brothers from other cities do and live realback-to-nature lives under the stars of the flag and the heavens, and under thestripes of purity, courage and strength.
Waukesha doesnt need the trees of which we speak halfas much as it does a Boy Scout council. Our neighbor, Watertown, dead from thethe church steeples down as far as progress and growth are concerned, has justcompleted raising $1,456.30 of a $1,500 quota for a Boy Scout fund. Its scoutcouncil has been organized for years and still the people find it worthwhileenough to support. It is about the only thing it does support by publicsubscription, and that subscription is not yearly or even every five years. Letsget in back of a Scout troop for Waukesha. Its something that pays dividendsin young lives. Waukesha Daily Freeman, Wednesday, April25, 1928
Bernard Hansen, acting scout master of the local Boy ScoutTroop 5 affiliated with the Presbyterian church. Waukesha Daily Freeman,Wednesday, April 28, 1928
1928 Scout summer camp at Moose Lake for eight days. December 12, 1929
To organize Scout council in Waukesha
Expect Eight to Ten Troops will be formed within short time
A first class Boy Scouts council will be organized here,Clifton G. Speer, deputy regional scout executive, stated today after solicitingthe aid of local men interested in the Boy Scouts of America movement.
Waukesha is one of three larger cities of Wisconsinthat does not have a first class council of scouts. The executive declared.Within six weeks these other two cities will have scout organizations forthey are taking steps in that direction now. All the cities the size of Waukeshahas first class councils.
A meeting was held Tuesday afternoon at which furthersteps toward organizing the council were taken. These were present: J. E.Worthington, L. F. Thurwachter, E. R. Estberg, Charles Gittner, J. F. Jones, R.H. Schuett, L. S. Dancey, O. B. Lindholm, Arthur Rahn, Earl Doyle, C. C.Edmundson, E. R. Shurts. A meeting was held Tuesday night at which twenty-twocitizens, members of the Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist, Legion, schools and churcheswere present.
At the present time there is but one scout troop here.According to Mr. Speer there are over 600 boys in city between the ages forscout duty. Within a year or year and a half from eight to ten troops are likelyto be organized.
Executive at Janesville
The Waukesha council will form with the Indian TrailsArea council of which Jefferson, Janesville, Watertown, Fort Atkinson andother smaller cities are a part. The area council executive is F. H. Swits ofJanesville, who will have charge of a field executive who will reside in thiscity and who will be of service in the entire county.
The organization of a first class council includes apresident, treasurer, commissioner and nine committees consisting of a court ofhonor, camping, finance, troop organization, training and leadership, civicservice, good reading, safety and health.
The scout movement of America began 19 years ago. Duringthe period 3,500,000 boys have been members. At the present time there is amembership of more than 1,000,000. The national council of Boy Scouts ischartered by the United States Congress as are the American Legion and RedCross. Waukesha Freeman, Tuesday, March 28, 1929
Assure Boy Scout Organization Here
A permanent Boy Scout organization for this city wasassured at a meeting of the Scout Council Monday night, consisting of 300 men.At the meeting a nominating committee of three was chosen to set forth heads ofthe organization.
The committee consists of J. E. Worthington, L. F.Thurwachter, and E. R. Estberg. The committee met Tuesday morning and discussedpossible leaders of the new organization. No definite choice has been made butit will be made within a week at which time it will be announced to the counciland approved or rejected by that body. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, April4, 1929
Nov 20, 1930 First Father and Son banquet held in Waukesha. L. F.Thurwachter, president of the Waukesha Scout council. Scout John Youngbecomes first Waukesha area scout to receive Eagle Scout badge.
85 Attend Dad, Son Meeting
Annual Boy Scout Banquet Held in Pewaukee
Eighty-five scouts and their dads attended the annualscout father and son banquet in Pewaukee last night. The banquet was held in thenew American Legion building under the auspices of the local post. Scout RobertEgloff spoke for the scouts while Joseph Ely spoke for the dads. Mr. Elyexpressed approval of the citizens of Pewaukee toward their scout troop andpledged the scout organization the support of the community for the scoutactivity of the future.
Walter Dixon, scout executive, spoke on the necessity ofvolunteer leadership within the community in order to further the futureactivities of the scout movement in Pewaukee.
The new scoutmaster Todd Kellogg was introduced by OrleyHoyt, chairman. Mr. Kellogg outlined the program for the scout troop and askedthe dads for their support in establishing a cub pack for the younger boys ofPewaukee. Over 20 boys have applied to him for membership in the newyounger boy movement of the Boy Scouts of America. Following the banquetthe scouts under the direction of Mr. Kellogg portrayed the scout laws in pantomime.
An agreement was reached at Watertown Tuesday afternoon toaffiliate boy scouts of that city with the Waukesha-Oconomowoc council,according to Walter Dixon, scout executive of this area. A meeting will be heldhere within the next two weeks which will call together all scout officials ofWaukesha county and the eastern half of Jefferson county to form a new areaboard. The former Indian Trails area was composed of Jefferson, Rock andWalworth counties.
The coming meeting is being arranged by Jack Waite and Dr.F. E. Smart. Attys. Allen Young and E. B. Stillman have charge of drawingby-laws.
J. E. Worthington, G. W. Haverstick and J. F. Thomas werepresent at the meeting in Watertown Tuesday at which it was decided that itwould be to the advantage of Watertown scout activities to join the new council.Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, January 22, 1931, page 1.
Boy Scouts Will Stage Exposition
Show at Pavilion to Be Competitive and Demonstrative inNature
The second annual Scout Exposition to be participated inby local scouts will be held this year in the Stock pavilion at Waukesha onSaturday, February 14 at 7:45 p.m. The 1931 Show will be of a competitive naturefeaturing the individual work of the troops of the council. The troops scoringthe highest number of points in the competitive events will receive thePresident’s cup to be held for one year. Ribbons will be awarded as troop prizes,with individual awards to the team members.
Included in the competitive events are fire by friction,semaphore signaling, a stretcher drill, and the scaling of a 10-foot wall byeight scouts of each troop. Demonstrations will be carried out by the varioustroops. The demonstration work will be of interest to the public because it willenable those attending the Exposition to examine the work after the show hasbeen completed.
Rope Twirling
Rope twirling will be demonstrated by scouts of Troop 2,,the Rotary troop of Watertown, while pyramids will be built by Troops 1, 2, 6,and 7 of Waukesha and Troop 1, Watertown. The Scout laws will be depicted in pantomimeby Troop 15, North Prairie and Eagle, Troop 12, Oconomowoc, troops 1 and 3 ofWatertown, and all seven of the Waukesha Troops.
Bridges and towers made of natural materials and set up onthe floor of the arena will be featured by the Eagle and North Prairie scouts,by Troop 1, Watertown, Troop 13, Pewaukee, and Troop 5, Waukesha. Games will bedemonstrated by Troop 2, of Watertown and Troop 4 of Waukesha . All troops willparticipate in the opening assembly and the closing campfire scene.
Make Plans
The entire program is in charge of the general expositioncommittee headed by Dr. F. E. Smart, Waukesha, as chairman. Other members of thecommittee are A. H. Lehrkind, Frank McAdams, L. W. Hutson of Watertown; T. T.Cronin, J. Bosshard, and Forrest Matheson of Oconomowoc; Dr. FredSchmidt,Eagle; Rex Hoyer, North Prairie; W. W. Williams, Pewaukee; Paul Stouffer, J. H.Waite, Karl Klug, P. H. Harder, Harry Hansen, and R. E. Oakes, all of Waukesha.
A meeting of the entire general committee will be held atOconomowoc a week previous to the exposition at which time all final assignmentswill be made by the chairman. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, January 22,1931.
Watertown Scouts May Join Waukesha Council
A luncheon was held in the Hotel Washington, Watertown,this afternoon to formulate plans for the affiliation of Watertown with boyscout activities in Oconomowoc and Waukesha.
A committee of Waukesha men was sent to meet with scoutcouncil heads of Watertown at the luncheon. J. E. Worthington, J. F. Thomas, andG. A. Haverstick are the local men who comprise the committee. WalterDixon,scout executive, of the local council, accompanied the committee.
If Watertown’s scouts affiliate with theWaukesha-Oconomowoc council it will be materially strengthened in numbers andactivities. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, January 22, 1931, page 8.
The End of PotawatomiPre-History
Potawatomi Area Council formed on April 23, 1931 serving Waukesha, and parts of Jefferson, Dodge and Walworth counties.
Annual Scout Camp Closed
Successful Season Enjoyed by Campers (From WF Friday’s Daily)
The Boy Scout camp on Blue lake near Palmyra was closedthis week after the most successful season in Waukesha and Jefferson counties.Scouts from Waukesha, Watertown, Oconomowoc, Pewaukee, Eagle, North Prairie,Palmyra, Whitewater, Fort Atkinson, and Janesville attended the 1931 camp.Thought the camp capacity was estimated at 50 campers per week, an average of 55campers were maintained throughout the six week camping period.
New activities introduced this year made the camp of greatinterest to those scouts who attended. The success which was achieved withriding horses this season has made the members of the camping committee desirousof furnishing more horses and saddles for the 1932 camp. Handicraft in leatherand basketry was started the past season and will be enlarged upon at wintercamp with the introduction of craftwork in metal celluloid. Plans for the 1932summer camp will provide for the addition of new buildings and equipment, whichwill supplement that which is owned by the Potowatomi council.
Arrangements are being made by Walter Dixon, scoutexecutive, for the winter scout camp, which in all probability, will be held atthe present campsite, during the Christmas holidays. The winter camp will bemaintained for four days and will include the following activities: skiing,skating, hockey, hiking and handicraft.
The camping committee of the council will make a trip ofinspection of neighboring camps during the coming two weeks. Following theinspection tour a report of the 1932 camp and the 1932 suggested plans will bepresented to the council at its meeting in September. Waukesha Freeman,Thursday, August 27, 1931
Potawatomi Council Second Annual Dinner – Jan. 14, 1932 in Watertown, councilmember from Menomonee Falls expected to attend. Waukesha Freeman, January 7,1932
Menomonee Falls – A Boy Scout organization is being sponsored by the localRotary club with the following committee in charge: H. S. Rutherford, chairman;W. S. Goode,; Dr. W. G. Domann and Joseph Cooke. Fifty-eight boys from thevillage and adjacent rural community turned out to the organization meeting atthe high school Wednesday evening. Walter Dixon, Waukesha, Scout executive,assisted with the organization. Robert Jacke, a former Scout, will be the localScout master and A. T. Jacobson will assist him. This organization will be apart of the Potawatomi area. Waukesha Freeman, Feb 4, 1932
Menomonee Falls Scout Troop No. 17, which is sponsored by the Rotary clubsponsored an exposition and invited boys from Sussex, Templeton, Merton, andNorth Lake to attend, and see the work of scouting as it is carried on by theScout Troops of the Potawatomi Area council. Waukesha Freeman, Thursday, March10, 1932
Menomonee Falls Scout Troop No. 17, which is sponsored by theRotary club, will be presented with their charter, which is one of the featuresof the evening’s program. The Scout troop has an enrollment of thirty-eightscouts, and is under the direction of Robert Jacke. Waukesha Freeman, March 10,1932
Summer Scout camp was at Wood lake (Camp Oproki on Wood Lake near Mukwonago)
Boy Scouts of Waukesha and Jefferson counties will give a fourthshowing of their Annual Scout exposition in Menomonee Falls on Saturday, March22, 1932, at 8 pm.
Boy Scouts to Be Guests at Game Marquette-Drake football game in Milwaukee,Saturday, Nov 26, 1932. Free admission.
Leland Quits Scouting Post
Edward H. Leland, 153 Wilbur ave., boy scout executive ofthe Potowatomi area, with headquarters in Waukesha for the last six years,Friday announced that he has resigned his position here to take over in the samecapacity as head of the Egyptian council with headquarters in Herrin, Ill.
He will report to his new office Jan. 29, and his wife andtwo children will join him several days later. He agreed to make the change lastweek but no public announcement was made until last Friday.
In his work in the Potowatomi area, which covers
Waukeshacounty, and parts of Jefferson, Walworth and dodge counties, Leland has met withunusual success. Membership, including cub and sea scout enrollments, and theannual budget have doubled under his charge. Before coming to Waukesha he spentfour and 0ne-half years as assistant scout executive in Milwaukee.
The Egyptian council is the largest geographical councilarea in Illinois, covering the southern 15 counties. It was formed recently bythe merger of several old councils, and Leland’s first job will be onreorganization.
Charles Nelson, Jr., Waukesha, newly elected president ofthe Potowatomi area, will name a personnel committee which will interviewcandidates, recommended by the Chicago boy scout regional office and chooseLeland’s successor.
It is expected that a new executive will be chosen earlyin 1940. there will be an area board meeting Jan. 18 at which time Nelson willname the complete list of area personnel and the program for 1940. The Waukeshaoffice of the area located in the freeman building, will remain open full timeunder the care of Miriam Hale, Leland announced.
WaukeshaFreeman, Wednesday, January 3, 1940
Menomonee Falls The Explorer patrol troop 17of the Potowatomi area will travel to Chicago April 19 and take part in theRegion first aid finals. The teams competing in this meet will come fromMichigan, Wisconsin and Illinois. The Explorers will be one of six troopsrepresenting Wisconsin. This is the first time in the history of thePotowatomi area that any troop has been eligible for the Regional meet. Theboys on the local team are Bill Domann, Wesley Goode, Jr., Don Buck, ClydeTinder and Ted Crusius. The Explorers 91 per cent in the sectional meet andtheir four-meet average of 97.5 per cent qualifies them for this meet. WaukeshaFreeman, April 16, 1941
Scout Commissioners Plan Years Activity
Members of the Potawatomi area council commissionersstaff met Monday night at the Avalon hotel to map activities and trainingobjectives for the fall and winter months, according to C. J. Caldwell, councilcommissioner.
Caldwell reported that nation-wide round-up program willget under way at once. This project will be to prepare the Scout movement forfull peace-time service to the community and to youth. To make this programpossible, and enlarged commissioners staff will be developed at once to bringmore boys and scouting together.
According to Caldwell, the Waukesha community Chest playsan important part in making scouting possible. It is through the chestsannual financial support of the program that it can be carried on in thiscommunity. Twenty-two Boy Scout units, including cub packs, Boy Scout troops,and Senior scout units are prepared to handle an ever-increasing membership,Caldwell said.
Each public and parochial school in Waukesha and Westownehas scouting. By checking with each school, a boy can find what night theneighborhood unit meets.
Waukesha Daily Freeman,Wednesday, September 24, 1946
Potawatomi Area, scout executive, C. W. Woodson. WaukeshaDaily Freeman, Thursday, October 30, 1946
Saturday, May 24, 1947, Potowatomi area scoutsstaging an outdoor Circus at Haertel Field
Carl Martin, Boy Scout executive for the Potawatomi areapresented the troop charter to Theodore Bies, fire chief, as the fire departmentsponsors the Merton troop. Those on the committee are: Orville Kaiser,chairman; William A. Weber, Ben Serres, Fred Staus and Mr. Bies.
Scout master Robert Hitchcock, who has been in scoutingfor over 10 years and has served as assistant scoutmaster for two years.Assisted by Arthur Nelson. Boys who received their tenderfoot awards were:George and John Raffensberger, Donald Serres, Douglas Ellsworth, Lyle Cihasky,John Staus and William Meissner. Waukesha Daily Freeman, Wednesday, May28, 1947
The Glacier HillsDistrict serves youth in the school districts of Menomonee Falls,Germantown, Sussex/Hamilton, Arrowhead, and Richfield
Palmyra– History
Potawatomi Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
The Potawatomi Area Council No. 651is divided into four districts – Fox River Valley, Southern Trails, Sunset Waters, and Glacier Hills; this4th one, Glacier Hills, being that which the above troops and packs belong to. The Council maintains the Harkrider Service Center at N12 W24498 Bluemound Road, Waukesha, WI. 53187 (west of the Waukesha County Airport – Crites Field). Mailing address: P.O. Box 528 Waukesha, WI. 53187-0528. Telephone (262) 544-4881. Scout Shop Hours – Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. 8:30am – 5:00 pm, Thursday 8am – 7pm, closed weekends. Call Center to make sure Center is open; open hours may change.