Sussex / Lisbon Cemeteries: German Evangelical Zion Church / RedeemerUnited Lutheran Church of Christ Cemetery

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German Evangelical Zion Church/Redeemer United Church ofChrist Cemetery – Partial

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(Editor’s Note: Borrowed from Rootsweb internetsite at to enable single website genealogical search)

    Transcribed by Ellen- and her DaughterRebecca October 13, 2001
Located about 3 blocks North of St. Alban’s Church on Maple Avenue in theVillage of Sussex.

    This cemetery seems to be still active, although therehave been no burials since the 1996. Many of the plots have sunk and the tomb isappearing above ground. Established in 1890. The first burial was on March 31,1890, that of Lillie Alma Walter, daughter of Franz Walter and Caroline Brandt.This stone no longer exists. The oldest stone remaining is that of LouisSchroeder 1891.

The church (Zion Evangelical Church aka German EvangelicalZion Church) was organized October 25, 1888. The church was completed in 1889.The parish was then served by the pastors from Brookfield and Menomonee Falls.From 1890-1898 it was served by pastors from Merton. In January, 1890, AugustMindemann gave the congregation 1/4 acre of land for use as a burial ground. In1917, the church got its first resident pastor. In the first 50 years of thechurch (1888-1838) there were ten pastors in the church. 103 funerals wereperformed during that time. The church merged with the Salem Reformed Church ofPewaukee in 1868. Together they formed the Redeemer United Church of Christ.

This listing is from the back of the cemetery to thefront. An alphabeticallisting of burials can be found here.

Row 1 From South to NorthBRANDT:Pauline Brandt/wife of/Geo. Henn/1868-1913SCHROEDER:Erwin Schroeder/1898-1925, next to:Louis/May 5, 18??/Apr. 18, 1891/Husband, next to:Minnie/Feb. 12, 1887/Sept. 11, 1913/Sister, next to:Schroeder Family Stone (no data), next to:Albert/June 30, 1894/Feb. 21, 1918/Brother, next to:Father/Carl Schroeder/June 14, 1859-Aug. 1, 1925, next to:Henrietta/Sep. 29, 1863/Apr. 21, 1912/MotherRIEWE:Paul H.A. RIEWE/1924-1961Row 2 from North to SouthRIEWE:Paul A. 1898-1979, ossw:Elizabeth/1901-1975, ossw:Married Nov. 29, 1923, next to:Mother Footstone, next to:Riewe/Father/Albert/Mar. 17, 1862/Jan. 18, 1929, ossw:Mother/Emilie/Nov. 17, 1861/Aug. 14, 1923, next to:Father FootstoneSTIER:G. Vater/Jakob/1 Nov. 1815/27 Juli 1903, next to:Mutter (no data), next to:Vater (no data), next to:Stier/Anna M. Stier/17 Oct. 1849/19 Juni 1908, ossw:Jacob Stier/27 Juni 1847/27 Aug 1933MARX:Vater/Konrad Marx/1838-1904, next to:Mutter/Anna Maria Karl/1842-1920, next to:Daughter/Anna M. Marx/1892-1957UNVERRICH:Unverrich/Father/Nicholas/1869-1945, ossw:Mother/Maria/1872-1953, ossw:Son/Theodore/1910-1927, ossw:Son/Theodore/1908-1909Row 3 North to SouthGEBERT:Grandmother/Sophia Gebert/1828-1906, next to:Grandfather/Frederick Gebert/1833-1922SCHMIDT:Schmidt Family Stone (no data), next to:Son/William Schmidt/1882-1900, next to:Father/Christian Schmidt/1851-1923, next to:Mother/Fredricka Schmidt/1855-1936SOMMER:Hier Runtin Gott/Carl Friedrich Sommer/Geb 2 Juli 1822/Gest 25 April 1898, next to:MILLER:Emilie Miller/1871-1952, next to:ZANDERS:George R. Zanders/1892-1936, next to:MILLER:Fred Miller/1861-1935 (tombstone partial buried), next to:Helen C. Miller/1917-1919, next to:ZANDERS:Zanders/Johan Zanders/GEb 24 Sept. 1862/Gest 28 Marz 1898/illeg. inscriptionLarge space in rowKOEPKE:Frances Koepke/wife of Edw. Radema/1895-1918/At RestRow 4 South to NorthMANKE:Manke/Elizabeth M./1876-1956, ossw:August F./1875-1964KIRCHHOFF:Gerhardt/Here lies little son of Carl & Bertha Kirchhoff/Apr. 23, 1912/Nov. 5, 1917/Buried on earth to be born again in heaven, next to:Kirchhoff/Bertha/1891-1993, ossw:Carl F./1887-1965Space in RowLUCZAK:2 A. A. Schmidt cemetery markersSevera H. Luczak/1913-1987, next to:Frank W. Luczak/1907-1980, next to:SIEWERT:Siewert/Son William (no data), ossw:Infant Clinton (no data), ossw:Albertina/1864-1942, ossw:Wilhelm/1862-1944, ossw:(these listed on back of stone)Emma Mueller/1881-1963, ossw:Francis Luczak/1907-1980, ossw:Serva Luczak/1913-1987Space in RowBRUSHABER:Charles Brushaber/1864-1897BUGE:Mutter/Wilhelmina/1865-1916BRUSHABER:Brushaber/George W./1889-1965, ossw:Lilly/1893-1972MAMEROW:Mamerow/Father/Carl F./Sept. 18, 1856/June 24, 1937, ossw:Mother/Minnie J./May 4, 1859/SEpt. 24, 1939Space in rowFLITSCH:Flitsch/Walter/1929-1975, ossw:Sieglinde/1930-___, ossw:Together ForeverRow 5 North to SouthALBRECHT:Albrecht Family Stone (no data), next to:Albrecht/Bertha/1874-1938, ossw:John D. 1870-1928, next to:STIER:Father (no data)Stier/Philip Stier/Jan 26, 1842/Oct. 8, 1903, ossw:Mary/his wife/Aug 26, 1841/Mar 18, 1902(on Back)Carrie/Nov 14, 1879/June 9, 1896, next to:lying flat on groundCarrie (no data) on top ofMother (no data)MEYER:Catte/Louis Meyer/Geb 17, Nov 1861/Gest 12 Juni 1904/Ruhe in Frieden, next to:ALBRECHT:Albrecht family stone (no data), next to:MARX:(fallen) Susanna Hornig/Gattin von Valentin Marx/1870-1911, next to(base no stone), next to:(fallen)Vater/Valentin Marx/1866-1943ALBRECHT:(behind the Meyer/Albrecht/Marx stones above is a large Albrecht stone.This stone’s base appears to be in the next row.)John Albrecht/Apr 18, 1832/Apr 10, 1916, ossw:Lotta Albrecht/Aug 24, 1832/Aug 14, 1893small space in rowHORNIG:Ruhe Ganft/Sohn/Philipp, next to:Ph. F. Hornig/Geb. in Altripp, Deutschland/1819-1896, ossw:Ludwig Hornig/1843-1911, ossw:Margaretha Hornig/geb Eisenhauer, Neuhoffen/1854-1935, ossw:Ph. Hornig/1867-1918, next to:Vater, next to:Phillip F. Horning/1819-1996/inscription illeg.Space in RowGASTRAU:Infant of E. Gastrau/1917LIESCHKE:Catte Une Vater/Max Lieschke/1887-1919MEIER:Meier/Dorothy/1849-1925, ossw:Fred/1852-1952BECKER:Inf son of H.S.E. Becker (no data)Row 6 South to NorthMILLER:Father/Jacob Miller/FEb 9, 1855/July 8, 1918, next to:SCHULTZ:Carl Schultz/1831-1913MAMEROW:Father Footstone, next to:Mamerow/Karl Mamerow Sr./Geb Den 28 Oct 1827/Gest Den 28 Nov 1912, ossw:Sophia/Wife of Karl Mamerow Sr./Geb Den 27 July 1833/Gest Den 18 Oct 1907next to:Mother Footstone, next to:Herman Mamerow/Infant/Sept 18, 1918WALTER:Minna/Gattin Von/C.J. Walter/Gest. 29 Mar 1892/Alter 27 JahreSmall stone behind large monument aboveHerbert/son of Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Walter/Mar. 26, 1897/May 21, 1898ALBRECHT:Mother (no data), next to:Father (no data), next to:Empty Base (I think this is the base from Albrecht found in previous row), next to:George Albrecht/born Feb. 19,1895/died March 8, 1896MAMEROW:Father (no data), next to:Mamerow/William Mamerow/Oct. 31, 1860/Apr 13, 1938, ossw:His wife/Fredericka Albrecht/Oct. 23, 1858/Mar 1, 1917, next to:Kind von/Wm. & R. Mamerow/Gest 16 Feb 1894STIER:Daughter/Eva Marie Stier/1912-1928, next to:Husband/John P. Stier/1884-1936, next to:Wife/Emma Stier/1886-1982 Row 7 North to SouthKOLLMORGAN:Grandmother/Elizabeth/1819-1892, next to:Daugther/Sophia/Mar 21, 1893/Jan. 31, 1898, next toKOLLMORGAN family stone, next to:Father/Frederick/Apr 3, 1852/Feb 5, 1911, next to:Mother/Sophia/Aug 20, 1860/Aug 10, 1892SCHROEDER:Schroeder/Father/Louis/1864-1949, ossw:Mother/Libby/1868-1934MINEDMANN:August J. Mindemann/Geb 25 Dec 1842/Gest 23 Feb 1911, ossw:Wilhelmine Mindemann/Geb 30 Aug 1845/Gest 19 Nov 1904, next to:Vater (no data, German inscription illegible), next to:Mutter (no data, German inscription illegible), next to:Johann/Harrman/Geb Den 16 Nov 1812/Gest Den 28 July 1893/Alter 80 Jahre 3Mo 16 Tage/German inscriptionspace in rowSCHULTZ:Margaret Schultz/1843-1906MOEDE:Herman Moede/Born Dec 2, 1867/Died Apr 30, 1902, next to: