Pages From The Past – November 2006

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Pages From The Past

by Fred H. Keller, as published in the Sussex Sun newspaper

Transcribed by SLAHS volunteer Sarah Pichler, December 2011

Month of November

November 1, 2006

100 years ago- 1906

Henry Hecker, the lessee of the Lannon Davis Hotel, had his wallet stolen with two certificates of deposit inside, one for $400 and another for $140. He stopped payment on the certificates when the bank opened Monday morning after the weekend theft.

50 years ago- 1956

Lannon residents Erv Miller and Joe Turner attended the Notre Dame football game in South Bend with Joe Long and Fred Ebestan.

The Lannon 4-H Club had 25 members this year.

Waukesha County Sheriff Lombardi was the featured speaker at the Sussex PTA meeting.

Local sports star George Kraemer of Sussex moved to Arizona.

25 years ago- 1981

The Hamilton girls cross country team went to the state track meet with coach Ken Krause.

The Hamilton football team buried Arrowhead 43-0 as Dan Plese chased the Arrowhead quarterback out of the end zone for a game ending safety.

10 years ago- 1996

Former Lannon Village President Nick Quartaro stepped into the local fray over municipal water, urging residents to go for the improvement.

St. James Catholic Church celebrated its 150th anniversary.

Kelly Klingelhoets and Jon Walters were the queen and king of the Hamilton homecoming.

5 years ago- 2001

The Hamilton High School football team made it to the WIAA playoffs with a 35-28 win over Brookfield Central.

A 18 year old Lisbon man’s jaw was broken in a fight outside the local bowling alley.

A memorial tree for Al Schroeder was planted in Sussex Village Park.

November 8, 2006

100 years ago- 1906

A wedding license was issued to a Sussex couple, T.T. Austin and Bessie Schlett.

50 years ago- 1956

Marie Weyer of Lannon died at age 68. Colgate born Frank McCartan died at age 83.

The new convent at St. James Catholic Church was dedicated.

Sussex residents George Wileden and Milo Hutchinson went pheasant hunting in South Dakota.

25 years ago- 1981

The Sussex Park board sold a dead oak from Spring Green Park for firewood for $62.50. Mike Zagar was the winning bidder.

Art Montini and Mike Klemm were chosen All-Conference in their first year on Hamilton’s boys soccer team.

10 years ago- 1996

Pat Hauenfelder was the champ chili maker at the 13th annual Sussex chili cookoff contest.

Former Hamilton star football player Jon Damato carried the ball 30 times for 193 yards and his sixth touchdown of the season for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in a 28-14 win over UW-Oshkosh.

November 15, 2006

100 years ago- 1906

The vote in Lisbon was all Republican. The Republican candidate for governor, James Davidison, beat his Democratic opponent, John Alyard, 156-96. Lisbon’s Roger Ainsworth took 142 town votes to his Democratic opponent’s 113 for the Wisconsin State Assembly seat. Countywide, Ainsworth, a Civil War veteran, won the post by only five votes, 1336-1331.

50 years ago- 1956

A disc jockey emceed the Sussex Teen Record Hop at Community Hall.

Driving lessons cost $5 an hour.

Sussex Main Street School restarted its school newspaper. The former newspaper was called The Courier; the new one was named the Sussex School Newspaper.

25 years ago- 1981

Terry Zignego was hired as the new Sussex Library director.

Ann Nettesheim scored 13 points for the Templeton Middle School eighth grade girls basketball team as it beat Homestead, 29-26.

Brian Frantl, an all-state linebacker for Hamilton, played for the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater.

10 years ago- 1996

Pat Bartlett, the first woman ever to run for Sussex village president, faced John Tews for the post. The first woman ever to serve as Lannon’s village president, Shirley Ravnik, beat incumbent Terry Gissal in a recall election.

5 years ago- 2001

Sussex, especially the eastern edge of the Village Park, hosted some wild turkeys roving through the community.

The Lisbon Fire Department hired two new officers: Lt. Dan Gabel and Capt. Renelle Staus.

Mahala Rankin started a new business: processing alpaca poop into potting soil.

November 22, 2006

100 years ago- 1906

In world news, Transvaal and Orange Free State won self-government from Britain.

Lannon area farmers worked to earn their road tax.

50 years ago- 1956

The Sussex Council of Churches elected new officers: the Rev. E.H. Langdon, vice president; the Rev. Gene Prostek, chairman; Gordon Rankin, secretary; and Margaret Hoffman, secretary.

Lannon showed little interest in merging with the town of Menomonee.

25 years ago- 1981

Peppermint Junction dispensed ice-cream cones in downtown Sussex at the former Northwestern Railroad Depot.

A student sit-in at Hamilton High School protested the new publishing date of the yearbook proposed by the School Board, after the students had voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.

10 years ago- 1996

Nancy Sullivan resigned from the Lannon Village Board.

Longtime Lannon firefighter and Village Trustee Ward Kunz, 74, died.

Nearly 3,500 votes were cast in Sussex in the presidential election, up from 2,951 in the 1992 election.

5 years ago- 2001

Lisbon considered hiring two full-time police officers.

Patrons had checked out two million books from the Pauline Haass Library. It took nine years for the first million and only six more for the second million.

Thirty-seven year Lisbon resident, William Truttschel Sr. died in his Florida retirement.

November 29, 2006

100 years ago- 1906

Waukesha County had 12,089 horses with an assessed value of $583,542, an average of $48.27 each.

Fred and Mary Stier moved to a new home on Main Street, near Maple Avenue blacksmith shop.

William Russell of Sussex had an appendectomy in Milwaukee and did well.

The cost of turkey was 20 cents per live pound.

50 years ago- 1956

Foes of a merger between the Village of Lannon and the Town of Menomonee held protest meetings.

The Sussex Fire Department put out a barn fire behind the downtown general store. Kenneth Schlei, an employee of the Sussex IGA store next door, reported the fire.

25 years ago- 1981

H&H Auto Salvage considered moving to south Waukesha Avenue in Sussex from their Lynndale Road site.

Tom Hansen, Mark Ernewein, Gerg Taubner and Pat Walczak led the Rich Ludka coached Hamilton basketball team.

10 years ago- 1996

The former Orchard Drive School behind the old Main Street School was torn down because it was no longer needed for the Pauline Haass Public Library, which moved into its new building.

Dennis McCarthy resigned his seat on the Lannon Village Board.

Betty and Wilmer Marx celebrated their 50th weeding anniversary.

5 years ago- 2001

Lisbon filed suit against Merton for annexing 70 acres from the town.

The Lisbon Fire Department responded to a four car accident at Highways 74 and K.

Betty Marx, wife of Wilmer Marx and a former Sussex Lioness president, passed away at age 75.

Dan Lovy coached the Hamilton wrestling team.