Do you have a good triviaquestion you’d like to see listed here? Send your question and answer (has to beabout our local area) by email to the webmaster (see below).
Q2. Where is the geographic center of the Town of Lisbon?
Q3. What is the straightest road that crosses the Town ofLisbon from one side to the other?
Q4. What’s the next straightest road that does the same?
Q5. How many “Lisbon” communities can youname?
Q6. The Post Office moved for a shoe department?
Q7. The shortest road/street in the Town of Lisbon orVillage of Sussex?
“Have you been listening to the Sussex hour over radio station WTMK,Hartford? Two new sponsors have been added to the list as given two weeks ago.They are Ken’s Snack Bar and Evert Farm Store. Mr. West of the WTMK stationwishes to announce that he invites members or leaders of Boys and Girl Scoutclubs and 4-H groups to make personal appearances on the station, and anyonewishing to do so should get in touch with Oliver West, radio station WTMK,Hartford.” (Source: Waukesha Daily Freeman, Tuesday, Sept 7, 1954,”Sussex Notes”, col. 2.)
A Montana paper states that westernsportsmen are about to import a number of Australian kangaroos, which they hopewill breed with such rapidity as in time to take the place of the late lamentedbuffalo. The practical extinction of the buffaloes, the paper says, has left theplains without any big game of importance, and experienced sportsmen declarethat hunting the kangaroo is second in excitement and interest only to killingthe buffalo. When these experienced sportsmen investigate the kangaroo a littlemore fully than they have yet done, avers the Chicago Herald, they will give upthis enterprise. To replace the buffaloes with kangaroos would be like replacingthem with sheep. The largest kangaroos are about the size of the average sheep,and many of them are not much larger than rabbits. Instead of possessing any ofthe gamey qualities that excite the sportsman, they are inoffensive and docile.Dr. Humholtz, the Australian traveler, has seen the natives walk in among adrove and kill them with their clubs by the score. To think of supplying thebuffalo with the kangaroo is really an insult to the memory of that nobleanimal. Waukesha Freeman, October 18, 1890, page 7.
A2The intersection of Good Hope and Hillside Rds.
A3. Plainview Road (It may not be very flat in places but it runsfrom Town Line Rd all the way to Center Oak Rd.)
A4. Town Line Road (It takes a slight twist near WillowSprings School)
A5. Lisbon, Portugal; Lisbon, O.H.; Lisbon, N.Y.;Lisbon, I.A.; New Lisbon, N.J.; New Lisbon, W.I.; Lisbon, N.D.; Lisbon, M.O.;Lisbon, F.L.; Lisbon, P.A.; Lisbon, M.N.; Lisbon, V.T.; Lisbon, M.E.; andLisbon, I.L.
A6. Aug 10, 1911 – Frank Schroeder is changing is changing thearrangements of his store. Hereafter the post office will be in front, justinside the door and the corner where it formerly stood will be arranged for theshoe department. Source: The Waukesha Freeman Aug 10, 1911
A7. Is it Meider Dr. (Blue Heron subdivision) or Short St.(Colgate) or ?