Dark Star Band Gary Steven Fuller WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DID DARK STAR PLAY April 2, 2010 at 8:33am · Mike Truttschel Dark Star was a band that we actually went to a lawyer and made it into a corporation and had a booking agency because we were pretty serious about making it successful. We did a lot of… Read more »
Dave Kearns Guitars have been a big part of my life for over forty years now and I owe some of the most memorable times in my life to being a musician. Including meeting my future wife in college.December 28, 2012 at 10:41am Dave Kearns …and I’ve never forgotten it all started with a red sunburst Stella guitar that Tom… Read more »
Dawn of Creation Band The beginning of Peace Valley Connection was actually kind of a union of people from three Sussex Hamilton bands that were going through some changes due to members graduating and other changes. The most well known and accomplished group was “We Return” formerly known as the “Reason Why.” The members of this group included Steve… Read more »
Dean Joecks Mark Kenney Dean Joecks, is a master at what he does in theater and in the Legendaires.Mike Truttschel, is such a talented classy professional that it is contagious to be around him. He sets the bar high and pulls others along with him. The Britain’s Beatles tribute band, is the finest Beatles show in all of the Midwest.We… Read more »
Dean Nolde, sax player Dean Nolde February 23, 2012 · I think we need to play at a Peace Valley Re-Connection reunion. We could invite all our fans – of course, Mark, both our moms are gone…hmm we’ll have to rethink this. Mark Kenney Dean, I am planning to have a huge backyard party. So far Mike, Dave Kenney, have… Read more »
Demoniac Also Gruesome Inches Tim Schwantes wearing a shirt which is 25 years old. [as of Dec 2015]December 27, 2015 Hi Mike, Demoniac was a Sussex born metal band from 89/90 until 95. It was me, Brian Broomell, Kevin Singer and Mark Hoth. (All HHS 93 grads) A few key shows were at the Waukesha Expo Center, teen center… Read more »
Bradley Larson and Add Cabbage Band March 14 at Sussex Bowl, Add Cabbage, withMark N Amy Hoth, Bradley Larson, Dave Strande and Charlie Wiggins. February 7, 2015 – Add cabbage!!!! with Bradley Larson, Dave Strande, Charlie Wiggins and Mark N Amy Hoth. Here’s a brief band bio and current member list for Add Cabbage. I can get together… Read more »
Bloody Bill & the Hemophiliacs May 20, 2015 –Curt Wieden:Mike Reilly – The only pictures I have from that era are from the epic Music Lab band Bloody Bill & the Hemophiliacs show in the HHS theater, and they’re blurry because Bill Lee didn’t wear his damned glasses that day. But I’ll post them here in this thread, starting… Read more »
Bill Johnson in the band Bloody Bill and the Hemophiliacs Bill Johnson I’m playing with a band called The Heathens. The idea was to play a show on or around my 50 the birthday (June 13.) We will play, just don’t have a date yet. I still would like to play again with Curt Wieden, Dave Schmidt, and whoever else… Read more »
Local Sussex, Lisbon, Lannon and Butler Bands listed Chronologically May 16, 2015:Mike Truttschel> Mike Reilly Okay, I’m going to try to list my bands as best as I can…. The Cavaliers @ 1964 That band consisted of John Keller, bass (they were at his parents house) Steve Schumann, drums, Ken Davis, guitar and Paul Cotey, guitar. [Added May 20,… Read more »