Pages From The Past – May 2006

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Pages From The Past

by Fred H. Keller, as published in the Sussex Sun newspaper

Transcribed by SLAHS volunteer Sarah Pichler, August 2011

Month of May

May 3, 2006

100 years ago-1906

Lisbon farmer George

McKerrow entertained the Presbyterian Missionary Society at his home.

Mrs William Weaver II was ill.

Presiding elder J.

S. Lewis took the pulpit at North Lisbon Methodist Church.

Nettie Weaver returned to her school studies at Milwaukee Downer College.

50 years ago-1956

The West Sussex Home Demonstration Club was headed up Mrs. Roland Kufalk.

Gerry Braeger opened a meat market on Elmwood Avenue in Sussex.

25 years ago-1981

Lisbon named a park after Albin “Stoney” Halquist.

Jerry Tetzlaff became the third player inducted into the Land O’ Lakes Baseball Hall of Fame, following Roy Evert and Virgil Hart.

The old Jim Grogan long cabin at Town Line Road’s Whiskey Corners was disassembled so that it could be reassembled in the Old Falls Village. The Brogan cabin is where Catholic Mass was held in 1842, five years before the establishment of St. James Catholic Church in 1846-47.

10 years ago-1996

The Hamilton Education Foundation sponsored the community production of the musical “Peter Pan”.

Hamilton High School held an open house with 175 people for its new 18,500 square foot science wing.

The Songbird Hills Gold Course clubhouse neared completion.

5 years ago-2001

Julie Boglitsch became Sussex’s first full-time firefighter.

Veteran coach Jim Lawinger’s Hamilton girls softball team earned a big win over archrival Menomonee Falls at Armory Park. Megan Paterson struck out the final two batters to win the game, 5-2.

May 10, 2006

100 years ago-1906

Charles Jeffery of North Lisbon School won the Lisbon-Sussex all-school spelling contest.

Ruth Weaver was called to Kansas City because her brother, David Bonham, was seriously ill.

Bertsel Davidson was convalescing from an attack of bronchitis.

50 years ago-1956

Twelve district schools, including school districts in Sussex and eastern Lisbon, were members of the Plan 11 union-free high school district, mandated to form a high school district.

A fully loaded gravel truck leaving Duplainville struck a passenger train carrying 960 school children to a Milwaukee Braves baseball game. Nobody was killed, but 113 were injured.

25 years ago-1981

Rudy Dubnicka bowled a 300 game at Sussex Bowl, his third since he started bowling in 1955.

Carrie Weissenborn retired as the manager of the nutritional meal site at Orchard Drive School in Sussex.

10 years ago-1996

Terry Fojtik pushed for a historical marker at Maple Avenue School commemorating the School Board that built the school in 1962 and its first two principals, Gerald Shout and Doyle Alexander.

The Jayhawks football program, in its second year, staged a signup for its sixth, seventh, and eighth grade teams.

The returning co-champs in the Sussex Tuesday church softball league were Redeemer UCC and St. John’s of Lannon.

5 years ago-2001

Several groups organized to oppose widening Highway 164.

A pair of juveniles was apprehended after setting fire to a new house in a Sussex construction site.

Daniel Binder of Sussex Troop 39 earned the coveted top Boy Scout ranking of Eagle Scout.

May 17, 2006

100 years ago-1906

Olga Summers, Erwin Connell and Charles Jeffery represented North Lisbon School No. 7 in the Sussex spelling bee.

James Lewis, 78, one of Sussex’s original settlers, died at the home of his sister , Mrs. William Weaver. He was the brother of the local postal carrier, Tom Lewis. He was a bachelor and one of the village’s finest farmers. He was buried in St. Alban’s cemetery.

50 years ago-1956

The Sussex PTA-sponsored summer playground program hired Arnold Molinski of Greenfield as its director.

Mrs. Ray Podolske chaired the PTA summer playground committee.

Maryann Preuss and Alice Cooling were the leaders of the Sussex 4-H Club.

The delivered priced for an Oldsmobile 88 in 1956 was $3,105.80.

Cuono Quartaro, 82, of Lannon, a signer of Lannon’s 1930 incorporation petition, died.

25 years ago-1981

The county was considering a site in southwest Lisbon (Weber farm) for a county landfill. Opposition emerged.

Defeated in an election for the Village Board, Jack Nefstead resigned the presidency of the Sussex Park Board.

Phyllis Smith served as librarian of the 8-month-old Sussex Library.

10 years ago-1996

The site for the next Sussex Place on east Highway 74 was graded to start the project.

Lolita Schneiders, who represented Sussex, Lisbon and Lannon in the state Assembly, retired after 16 years in that position when her term ended in 1997.

5 years ago-2001

Damage in the amount of $3,400 was done to eight windows at Hamilton High School.

Ten new streetlight posts were installed in Sussex.

Karen Moniza left her post as head of the Hamilton Chargers band program.

Templeton Middle School students cleaned up Sussex Creek next to the Sussex Sentry Foods store (now Piggly Wiggly).

May 24, 2006

100 years ago-1906

A Menomonee Falls and Western Railroad train struck Charles Smith (son of Lisbon pioneer Jeremiah Smith) and his wife and child near what is now Menomonee Avenue and Highway 74. The mother and child were thrown from the horse-drawn rig and Charles was seriously injured as they headed home to Templeton from Menomonee Falls. The train stopped and took all three to Lannon, where friends later picked them up.

50 years ago-1956

Adena Rankin and Robert Schlei were married in Lisbon Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Stephen Rankin officiating. The couple took a honeymoon to the Smoky Mountains.

The Lannon sewer and water project hinged on a mailed voter survey.

Sussex named Delbert DeCaluwe its weed commissioner.

25 years ago-1981

A car killed Templeton Middle School Assistant Principal Walter Hoeft Jr. at Maple Avenue and Lisbon Road as he led the students on a bike ride.

10 years ago-1996

Lannon’s sewer project was complicated by a lift station being constructed off Lynwood Drive. Circuit Court Judge Patrick Snyder’s rulings broke the stalemate. The road was opened for construction equipment and trucks to go through.

5 years ago-2001

Parents objected to the removal of veteran Hamilton High School band leader Karen Moniza.

Sussex approved at 725 square foot three door garage for Mindy’s Antiques, so it could open for business on Main Street in downtown Sussex.

Lara Lopez was the coach of the boys and girls track teams at Hamilton.

Tom Schuldt continued as the longtime freshman girls softball coach at Hamilton.

May 31, 2006


100 years ago-1906

St. Alban’s staged a monthly Tea and Apron Bazaar at the new Guild Hall. Net profits were $21.

The ladies auxiliary of St. Alban’s packed a barrel of clothing to send to the destitute patients at Beauford Hospital in Lorenville, Ky.

Mr. Kohlmorgan was seriously ill with pneumonia.

Minnie Mamerow regained her health.

50 years ago-1956

The Village of Sussex offered to pay the Town of Lisbon $3,500 for the old Lisbon Town Hall (built in 1866).

The village was offered $12,000 for the Sussex Main-Orchard School baseball field.

Sussex community bowling champs were the Hardiman Oil Co. team of Milo Hardiman, Paul Fleischmann, Charles Zimmerman, Bill Blank, John Plese and Jake Bailey.

25 years ago-1981

John Nelson was president of the Sussex Park Board.

Hamilton junior prom king and queen were Tom Roberts and Julie Leonard.

The Hamilton freshman boys track team was 25-0 that year in the freshman competition, scoring 170 points in the Braveland freshman conference meet. Arrowhead was a distant second at 94 points.

10 years ago-1996

Rudy Dubnicka of the Lannon baseball dynasty was introduced into the Land O’ Lakes Hall of Fame.

Five names were added to the Lisbon brass plate, honoring residents who served in World War II.

The Hamilton senior Athletes of the Class were Matt Unertl for the boys and Michelle Chovsta for the girls.

5 years ago-2001

Concerns about the merger of the Canadian National Railroad with the Wisconsin Central Railroad pushed Sussex to consider an overpass on Main Street in eastern Sussex.

An additional deputy was added to the Sussex police force in December.