Pages From The Past – July 2010

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Pages from the Past
Posted: Living Sussex Sun, July 6, 2010
By Fred Keller, Sussex Village Historian

100 years ago – July 6, 1910

A Standard Oil gasoline filling station was being built in Menomonee Falls.

A local farm sold a 1,400-pound 3-year-old steer raised on the usual hay plus lots of beet pulp from the Menomonee Falls Sugar Beet Co. for $98.

50 years ago – July 6, 1960

The 315 acres for the proposed Menomonee Park were purchased by Waukesha Park and Planning for $126,000. Area farmers who contributed to the sale were Art Prag (144 acres) and Elmer Schultz (99 acres). An 18-hole golf course was part of the park plans.

25 years ago – July 6, 1985

The cost to the Hamilton defense account for being involved in the Milwaukee Public School integration fight amounted to $30,720.30 at this point.

St. James and St. John’s of Lannon were tied for first place in the Sussex Church Softball League (6-2).

Three members of the Lisbon Park Board were resigning to protest the nonreappointment of Marie DeVillers.

10 years ago – July 6, 2000

The recommendation of the Department of Transportation for a future Highway 164 on the Highway J axis seemed to follow the old line of the historic Highway J.

The Mindemann Business Park on Silver Spring Drive west of Town Line Road moved forward. It was estimated it could be a work place for 1,100 future workers, according to Mike Mooney of developer MLG

5 years ago July 6, 2005

The late winter and early spring flooding in the northwest corner of the Town of Lisbon had residents and the town differing over who was responsible.

Sussex was seeking sewage treatment bids on an estimated $5,900,000 addition.

George Zimmer was one of the finalists for the new Richmond School superintendent position.

Posted: July 13, 2010
100 years ago – July 14, 1910
The Menomonee Falls Aurora Eastern Star had the Sussex Chapter at the MF Masonic Hall.
The Lannon friends of John Flanagan are urging him to allow his name in the primary election for County Clerk on the Democratic ticket.
Meanwhile Louis Schneider of Lannon is running on the Social Democratic slate for county sheriff.
50 years ago – July 14, 1960
The first Sussex Boy Scout to earn the rank of Eagle was awarded in June to Scouts Ronnie Fisher and Bob Lane. The awards ceremony was held in the new Sussex Village Park.
The Lannon Land ‘O Lakes baseball team is 0-7 in league play.
25 years ago – July 14, 1985
Frank Gill proprietor of Gill’s Hometown filling station in Sussex is sporting three palm trees at a gas station island.
Lake Five is hosting the Lake Five Country Music Jamboree with special, made-for-the-event boot beer mugs.
Sussex and Lisbon are discussing the possible hardship sewer connections.
10 years ago – July 14, 2000
At Maple Avenue School recently graduated fifth grader Ryan Haunfelder has not missed a day of school since kindergarten.
The Hamilton baseball team in one day defeated Brookfield East twice, 11-6, and 5-4 and then went on to defeat Marquette High 13-6.
There will be a recall election in Lannon for trustee Beverly Felten.
Five years ago – July 14, 2005
Gail “Pete” Peterson at age 83 is retiring from work at the Dawson Lannon Stone Products Co.
Kelly’s Greenscapes suffered an estimated $20,000 in vandalism damage to their Waukesha Avenue business.
Gordon Rankin, 80, a lifetime Lisbon farmer is killed in a mule accident.
Former Sussex Sentry owner Nark DeWees is killed in a motorcycle accident.

Posted: July 20, 2010 11:32 a.m.
100 years ago – July 21, 1910
Blair’s Ice Cream from Menomonee Falls is being shipped daily by the Bug Line Railroad to villages out to North Lake.
Local Lisbon boys and girls are earning money as they work in sugar beet fields topping the beets and throwing them into wagons.
50 years ago – July 21, 1960
The Lannon Land O’Brooks team got 20 strike outs from Mike Gundrum giving him 37 strike outs in the last two games as they have fashioned a 2-0 start of the season.
Dewey Snart is running the Sussex playground summer season.
25 years ago – July 21, 1985
The Sussex Lions Club has elected Glenn Moody as their president for 1985-86. Past president is Harry Hinchcliffe.
The Budweiser, eight-horse hitch of Clydesdale horses was a feature in the parade and on the grounds of the Sussex Lions Daze.
For the second time in two weeks Maple Avenue School has been broken into by thieves.
Quad/Graphics has opened a new plant in Lomira with some workers from Sussex going there.
10 years ago – July 21, 2000
A buckeye tree was planed along the Memorial Trail in the Sussex Village Park for former Sussex resident Jennie Logan.
The Circus Train passed through Sussex on its way to Milwaukee’s great circus parade.
Sussex Place had an armed robbery with “A large sum of money stolen.”
The Cooperating Churches of Sussex staged a flea market at the Petro Pantry site.
Five years ago – July 21, 2005
A powerful drought is wiping out lawns and farm crops in Sussex-Lisbon.
The Sussex Lions Daze had a sheepshead tournament with $720 going to the winners.
Sussex residents Gary Schwengel and son, Steve, won Barger State Games discus throws gold medals. Gary in the 60 and over and Steve in the 30-39 age group.

Posted: July 27, 2010 11:20 a.m.
100 years ago – July 28, 1910
Frank Berchems of Lannon was married to Miss Rose Goeller in the Falls this past month.
Sarah DeLaney of the Lannon area has died on June 23. She was a Champeny, born July 7, 1861. Her funeral and burial was at St. James.
50 years ago – July 28, 1960
Two cases of the dreaded Dutch Elm disease were reported in Menomonee Falls. This brings the total to 20 in Waukesha County. American Elm trees are the largest tree in Waukesha County and make up approximately one quarter of the trees in the county. It is expected that this disease will wipe out this type of tree.
25 years ago – July 28, 1985
The Sussex Curtis family had a visit from their former AFS student, Niels Johnson, who attended Hamilton High in 1972-73 and played football.
Greg Goetz is the leader of the highly successful Frantl Industries softball team. He is a former star state tournament baseball player for Hamilton.
10 years ago – July 28, 2000
Kurt Simons is the 62nd president of the Sussex Lions Club.
Rudy Dubnicka had the first area sweet corn ready for roadside purchase July 10.
Dennis Hohol is charged in a possible assault case. He is accused of molesting boys involved in flag football or hunting classes he coached.
Five years ago – July 28, 2005
The strike at Halquist Stone Company continues even though seven of the 21 strikers have returned to work.
A big rubber inflated rat is used by the union to call attention to their cause.
The drought has been broken as on July 20, 2.4 inches of rain fell.
Vandals have hit Monacelli Stone Company.